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词汇 玉米
例句 They once had a corner on the corn market.他们曾一度垄断了玉米市场。In the state of Iowa, it's been a bumper year for corn.艾奥瓦州今年玉米大丰收。Many of the peasants survive on tiny plots of corn and beans.许多农民靠着小片地上种的玉米和豆子勉强维持生计。Corn tortillas can be cut into strips, fried until golden, and sprinkled with salt - voilà! tortilla chips.玉米粉圆饼可以切成长条,炸至金黄色,再撒上些盐——瞧,这就是墨西哥炸玉米条。Please husk the corn while I set the table.请在我摆餐具时剥掉玉米苞皮。A lot of corn is grown in this area - the soil seems to suit it very well.这个地方种的玉米很多——看来这里的土壤非常适合玉米生长。The villagers grow coffee and maize to sell in the market.村民们种植咖啡和玉米到市场上卖钱。The corn was cut and tied in sheaves.玉米收割后被捆成了捆。The corn is up and ready to be harvested.玉米已长出,可以收割了。The corn was stored in large sacks.玉米装在大麻袋里。Farmers sowed the fields with corn.农民在地里种上玉米This plot of land was sown with maize.这块地种了玉米The farmer took his corn to the mill.农民把他的玉米拿到磨坊去。I'll have the burrito and taco combo, please.请给我来份玉米煎饼和玉米卷杂烩。He bought two sacks of corn.他买了两袋玉米Alfalfa and corn are planted in rotation.苜蓿和玉米轮流种植。My sister loaded her plate with mashed potatoes and corn.我妹妹往自己盘子里盛了很多土豆泥和玉米The corn was already knee-high and growing fast.玉米已经齐膝高了,长得很快。Iowa is in the corn belt.爱荷华州地处玉米带。The corn is planted in parallel rows.玉米平行种植在田地里。The stalks and leaves of corn are fodder.玉米的茎秆与叶是饲料。Rice is second only to corn as the state's major crop.大米是这个州除了玉米之外最重要的农作物。We picked the corn by hand and we fed it to the hogs and the cows.我们亲手摘了玉米,而且用它喂了猪和牛。This report could spur some buying in corn futures when the market opens today.这一报告可能会在今天开市后刺激一些人买进玉米期货。Steam the corn until it can easily be pierced with a fork.玉米蒸到用叉子可以轻易扎透为止。The corn was still sown, cut and threshed as it was a hundred years ago.玉米的播种、收割、脱粒方法还和一百年前一样。The corn has begun to tassel.玉米开始长出穗状雄花。The corn is ground into meal.玉米磨成了粗粉。Maize evolved from a wild grass in Mexico.玉米是从墨西哥的一种野生禾本植物进化而来的。Farmers grow large quantities of wheat and corn.农民大量种植小麦和玉米We seeded the field with corn.我们在地里播种了玉米The ancient civilizations of Central and Latin America were founded upon corn.古代中美洲和拉丁美洲的文明社会是建立在玉米之上的。The corn had been blown flat by the gale.大风把玉米吹得倒伏在地上。They rotate alfalfa and/with corn. 他们轮种苜蓿和玉米Yesterday the field opposite was sown with maize.昨天对面的田里播种了玉米The bird took a peck at the corn. 那只鸟啄了啄玉米We had enormous harvests of corn this year.今年我们的玉米获得了大丰收。The corn is weathered in the field.玉米在田里晾晒风干。Two chicken dinners with corn to go.两份鸡块套餐配玉米,带走。Maize evolved from a wild grass.玉米从一种野草演化而来。




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