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词汇 dressing
例句 I'll take both kinds of salad dressing.两种沙拉酱我都要。Add a little more dressing if necessary.如有必要,就再多加一点调料。The tobacco companies got a severe dressing-down.各烟草公司受到了严厉的责骂。The little black dress is the anithesis of fussy dressing.与花哨的打扮形成鲜明对比的是这件小黑裙子。Mary landed on Robert for dressing carelessly.玛丽因罗伯特衣冠不整而责骂他。Julie arranged her perfumes and creams in neat rows on the dressing table.朱丽把她的香水和面霜一排排整齐地摆放在梳妆台上。She sat down in front of her dressing-table mirror.她在自己梳妆台的镜子前面坐下。He received a furious dressing-down from his boss in front of his colleagues.他在同事面前被老板痛骂一顿。She tossed the lettuce in French dressing.她用法式色拉调料拌生菜。The younger girls admired Louise, and tried to copy her way of dressing and talking.年纪较小的女孩子崇拜露易丝,力图模仿她的穿着打扮和言谈方式。For my salad, I'd like Italian dressing on the side.我的沙拉要配意式调料。The model has an individual way of dressing.这个模特儿有著独特的穿衣方式。Elise was delighted I rang, but gave me a terrible dressing down for not ringing before or sending a postcard.埃莉斯听到我打电话去很高兴,但又因为我没有早些去电话或寄一张明信片而痛骂了我一顿。They're dressing the store's windows for Christmas.为了迎接圣诞节,他们正在布置商店橱窗。I love dressing up to look seductive.我喜欢打扮得性感一些。The atmosphere in the dressing room before the match was tense. 比赛前更衣室内的气氛很紧张。Our mother kept a box of old castoffs and we spent hours dressing up, pretending to be princesses or pirates.母亲有一箱旧衣服,我们把自己装扮成公主或海盗,一扮就是几小时。She decided to bid for a Georgian dressing table.她决定参与一个乔治王朝时期风格梳妆台的竞价。Quickly tying a knot in his tie, John finished dressing and went to work.约翰飞快地在领带上打了个结,穿好衣服然后去上班了。Gerald gets a kick out of dressing as a woman.男扮女装给杰拉尔德带来极大乐趣。Add mustard to give the dressing a sharper taste.加些芥末使调料带点辛辣味。This salad dressing is nice and herby.这种色拉调料很不错,有香草的味道。If you keep dressing like a slob, no one's ever going to ask you for a date.如果你还是这样不修边幅,没有人会邀你去约会。I gave him a good dressing-down.我把他好好教训了一顿。This type of wound is best kept dry without a dressing.这种伤口最好保持干爽,不要上敷料。Somehow the woman had gained access to his dressing room and was waiting there when he came off the stage.那名女子不知用什么办法进入了他的化妆室,在他走下舞台的时候正在那里等着他。All children love dressing up.所有的小孩都喜欢玩乔装打扮的游戏。He waited in his dressing room until it was time for him to appear on stage.上台前,他一直在化妆室里等候。The poor child never cried or protested when I was dressing her wounds.我给这个可怜的孩子包扎伤口时,她不哭也不闹。The salad dressing was too lemony.沙拉酱的柠檬味太重了。She turned from the glass in the dressing room after a prolonged prink.她在化妆室镜前长时间打扮之后转过身来。The old man shambled into her dressing room.老人蹒跚地走进她的梳妆室。She helped to recast her image by dressing differently.她改变了着装风格,重塑了形象。These changes are being made for a good reason. They're not just window dressing.这些改变事出有因,并不是摆样子给人看的。She is dressing for the party.她在穿礼服准备去参加晚会。My mum gave us his and hers matching dressing gowns for Christmas.我妈妈送给我们一套情侣睡袍作为圣诞礼物。Harsh words were spoken in the dressing room after the match.比赛后,更衣室里有人说了些难听的话。The sore is still weeping a lot so you'll have to change the dressing once a day.感染处依然流出很多脓,所以你必须每天换一次药。The film is padded with scenes of the girls dressing up in costumes and doing tunes from musicals.这部电影拖泥带水,有很多场景表现少女盛装打扮并演唱音乐剧歌曲。Put it in a screw-top jar with French dressing and leave to marinate.将它与法式色拉调味汁一同装入一只带螺旋盖的罐中腌泡。




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