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词汇 猫头鹰
例句 The owl swooped down and picked up the mouse in its claws.猫头鹰猛扑下去用爪子抓起了老鼠。Woodland creatures such as owls are increasingly common in towns.猫头鹰等林地动物在城镇中越来越常见了。He heard the hoot of an owl coming from the direction of the wood.他听见从树林方向传来猫头鹰的哀鸣声。Owls feed on insects, birds, and small mammals.猫头鹰以昆虫、鸟类和小型哺乳动物为食。The owl ventures abroad at night.猫头鹰在夜间出巢活动。Owls regurgitate partly digested food to feed their young.猫头鹰将半消化的食物吐出来喂幼鸟。Owls prey on small rodents.猫头鹰捕食小型啮齿动物。The owls nested in the hollow of a tree.这些猫头鹰把巢筑在树洞里。The owl swiveled its head around.猫头鹰来回转头。An owl was gliding silently over the fields.一只猫头鹰悄无声息地掠过田野。The owl is a predatory bird that kills its prey with its claws.猫头鹰是一种捕食性鸟类,它用爪子杀死猎物。This type of owl prefers a desert habitat.这种猫头鹰喜欢沙漠的生活环境。The plan has a hitch: drilling holes for the owls in the trees will kill the trees.该计划有个障碍:为猫头鹰在树上钻洞,树会死掉的。Cats and owls go mousing at night.猫和猫头鹰夜里出去捕鼠。The owl's cry cut through the silence in the forest.猫头鹰的叫声划破了森林的寂静。I saw a good programme on owls last night.我昨晚看了一个关于猫头鹰的很好的节目。We could hear an owl hooting in the woods.我们能听见树林里猫头鹰在叫。The owl is a nocturnal bird.猫头鹰是夜间活动的鸟。Owls were believed to be restless spirits who had returned to earth.猫头鹰曾被认为是重返阳间、不得安息的鬼魂。The owl is sacred for many Californian Indian people.对于加利福尼亚的很多印第安人而言,猫头鹰是圣物。Owls feed on mice and other small animals.猫头鹰以老鼠和其他小动物为食。Out in the garden an owl hooted suddenly.外面的花园里突然有一只猫头鹰呜呜地叫起来。The owl fluffed out its feathers.猫头鹰抖开了羽毛。Owls are skilful hunters.猫头鹰是捕猎能手。Owls have good eyesight.猫头鹰有敏锐的视力。The owl preys on mice.猫头鹰捕食老鼠。




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