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词汇 consumer demand
例句 The rate of production is tied to consumer demand. 生产率和消费者的需求相关。The government hopes to increase consumer demand and therefore industrial production by reflating (the economy).政府希望通过通货再膨胀(刺激经济)增加消费需求,进而刺激工业生产。Supermarkets are responding to increased consumer demand for organic products.消费者对有机产品的需求增加,超级市场正作出回应。An increase in consumer demand has made sports shoe retailing a lucrative business.消费者需求的增长使运动鞋零售业成了赚钱的行业。The reduced consumer demand is also affecting company profits.消费者需求的降低也影响到了公司的利润。The factories are staying open to meet the consumer demand for this product.工厂一直开工以满足消费者对这一产品的需求。The reduced consumer demand is affecting company profits.消费者需求的减少影响了公司的盈利。




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