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词汇 make certain
例句 We must make certain this doesn't happen again.我们必须确保这样的事情不再发生。She was rubber-heeling on me to make certain there were no slip-ups.她正在对我作内部调查,以查明确实没有疏漏。He stood up and looked round to make certain of his bearings.他站起来向周围望了一下以弄清方向。Firstly, they must make certain that their pension needs are adequately catered for.首先,他们得确保他们能获得足够的养老金。Firstly, they must make certain that no funds have gone missing.首先,他们必须确保资金没有丢失。She flicked her eyes up to make certain I was suitably impressed.她抬眼瞟了瞟,以确定我不出所料地被打动了。Please make certain when the train leaves.请确定火车什么时候开。In proof of this theory, I shall make certain studies.为了证明这一理论,我将进行某些研究。You' d better leave now if you want to make certain of getting there on time.你要想准时到达那里就最好马上走。Secure the edges firmly to make certain that no moisture can get in.把边缘扣紧以防潮气进去。The producer must make certain there is enough material to fill the one-hour programme.制片人要确保有足够的材料来充实一小时的节目。I want to double-check to make certain.我要复核一下以便加以确定。




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