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词汇 consulting
例句 Has anyone thought of consulting Bethan herself?.有人想过咨询一下贝唐本人的意见吗?Mr Bach set up his own consulting business with the backing of his old boss.在以前老板的帮助下,巴赫先生成立了自己的咨询公司。Alex had done this without consulting her.亚历克斯事先没有跟她商量就做了这件事。He works for a consulting company. 他在一家咨询公司工作。After consulting with her daughter and manager, she decided to take on the part.征求过女儿兼经纪人的意见后,她决定出演这个角色。He made the decision without consulting me.他没和我商量就做了决定。Don't make a move without consulting me.采取行动前必须先找我商量。We are consulting closely with our partners.我们正在同合伙人密切磋商。The case of Mrs King illustrates the importance of consulting your doctor.金太太的事例表明了咨询医生的重要性。Appendixes to a book are worth consulting.书的附录值得查阅。Since she retired, she's done some consulting for the company.退休后,她一直为这家公司做咨询。He is a general partner in a consulting firm.他是一家咨询公司的普通合伙人。Without consulting his colleagues he flew from Lisbon to Split.他没和同事商议,就从里斯本飞到了斯普利特。We're consulting with our allies and coalition partners.我们正在与盟友及合作伙伴协商。He was hired as consulting engineer on the project.他被聘为这个项目的顾问工程师。Do not discontinue treatment without consulting your doctor.未经医嘱不得中断治疗。He padded the bill he sent to the company for his consulting work.他向公司呈报自己的咨询工作账目时做了手脚。In those days, he was very dependent on Connie and wouldn't do anything without first consulting her.那个时候,他非常依赖康妮,做什么事都先要问问她。I'll do nothing without consulting you.我采取行动之前一定和你商量。Many holidaymakers had avoided the worst of the delays by consulting tourist offices.许多度假者通过咨询旅游局避免了那些最严重的延误情况。Dare we take this decision without consulting the Prime Minister?我们敢不与首相商议就作这个决定吗?The decisions were taken by the party leadership without consulting the grass roots.这些决定是党的领导层未与基层党员协商就作出的。A decision has been made without properly consulting their feelings.作出决定时没有充分考虑他们的感受。He owns a management consulting business based in Santa Barbara.他拥有一家管理咨询公司,总部在圣巴巴拉。Hanson decided to start his own management consulting firm.汉森决定创办自己的管理咨询公司。You should not attempt these exercises without first consulting your doctor.在咨询医生之前,你不应该尝试这些锻炼。He takes crucial decisions without consulting people in the know.他没有咨询相关知情人士就作了重要决定。In the consulting room the children are surrounded by familiar objects.在诊疗室,孩子们周围摆满了熟悉的东西。He works for Jones and Associates, a consulting firm in Santa Fe.他在琼斯联合公司任职,这是位于圣菲的一家咨询公司。After consulting with his assistant, the referee ordered an early bath for both players. 在征求了助理裁判的意见以后,裁判命令两名球员都下场。After consulting with her daughter and manager she decided to take on the part, on her terms.与女儿兼经纪人商量之后,她决定出演这一角色,不过要按照她开出的条件。He has plans to expand beyond computer consulting to include engineer training.他计划要将公司业务扩展到计算机咨询之外,包括工程培训。Do not discontinue the treatment without consulting your doctor.未咨询医生不要擅自中断治疗。In the cosy consulting room the children are surrounded by familiar objects.在温馨的诊疗室里,孩子们周围摆满了亲切熟悉的东西。Increasing the dose without consulting your doctor is not advisable.不咨询你的医生就加大剂量是不可取的。He recently became a senior partner in the accounting/consulting firm.最近,他成为了会计事务所/咨询公司的高级合伙人。Patients went singly into the consulting room.病人一个接一个地走进诊室。




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