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词汇 独特的
例句 Each herb has its own distinct flavor.每种药草都有其独特的味道。This unusual building barely fits the definition of a house.这幢独特的建筑几乎称不上房子。The writer is remembered most for his sensibility.这位作家主要因其独特的感知力而为世人所铭记。Groups have a personality of their own.每支乐队都有自己独特的风格。My job is to think up creative and original advertising ideas我的工作是构想出有创意、独特的广告意念。Even younger wines have the characteristic goût of the Sauvagnin.连年份较近的葡萄酒也有萨伐银酒独特的味道。The actor can mimic the President's mannerisms perfectly.这个演员可以惟妙惟肖地模仿总统独特的言谈举止。Many talented people have idiosyncrasies.许多有才能的人有其独特的癖性。Each material has its own unique chemical signature.每种材料都有其独特的化学性质。I have my own peculiar way of doing things.我有自己独特的做事方式。He has his own brand of humor.他有他独特的幽默。This drawing of the monastery was done from an unusual angle.这幅素描是以独特的视角来表现那座寺院的。They can have the most unique idea but if the VC is not comfortable with the team, it's not going to work.他们可以有最独特的想法,但如果副主席对该队不满意,那怎样都行不通。Each whale has its own characteristic song.每只鲸都有自己独特的歌声。Chickpeas have a distinctive, delicious, nutty flavour.鹰嘴豆有一种独特的坚果香味。Each county has its own peculiar charm.每一个县都有自己独特的魅力。A notable feature of the church is its unusual bell tower.这座教堂的一个显著特征就是它独特的钟楼。Male birds have distinctive blue and yellow markings.雄鸟有着独特的蓝、黄色斑点。The inn has a quaint charm.这个小旅馆有着独特的魅力。The house has a certain charm.这栋房子有某种独特的魅力。Each species of bird has its own characteristic song.每种鸟都有自己独特的鸣叫声。The film offers a unique perspective on the issue.这部电影从独特的视角研究那个问题。The pier has a unique little puppet theatre.码头有一个独特的小木偶剧院。Its unusual nesting habits differentiate this bird from others.这种鸟独特的筑巢习惯使它不同于其他的鸟。The company has a distinctive logo that makes it well known.这个公司以独特的标识闻名。The Hungarian colony in New York is a picturesque racial island.纽约的匈牙利侨民是个与外界隔绝的独特的种族社区。The chefs are pledged to keep the restaurant's special recipe a secret.厨师们被要求发誓不外传这家饭店独特的烹饪秘方。The oil imparts a distinctive flavor to the sauce.这种油给调料增添了一种独特的味道。Each ant's nest has its own odor that ants use to recognize it.每个蚁穴都有独特的气味,蚂蚁就是通过这种气味来辨认蚁穴的。Each of the cheeses has its own texture, flavour, and aroma.每一种乳酪都有其独特的质地、味道和香味。Divers found this unique species of fish at the substratum of the sea.潜水夫在海的底层发现了这个独特的鱼种。The interest of the painting lies in its unusual use of light.这幅画吸引人之处在于其独特的用光技巧。The band has a style all its own. 这个乐队有自己独特的风格。Heat, cold, tactile and other sensations contribute to flavour.热、冷、触觉和其他感觉构成了独特的风味。The car bumper includes a special honeycombed plastic.那个汽车保险杆上有个独特的蜂巢状塑料块。After years of aping the styles of famous artists, he has created his own unique way of painting.在对著名画家进行多年模仿之后,他创造出了自己独特的绘画风格。Bead-work, applique and embroidery add a uniquely feminine touch.珠饰、嵌花和刺绣可增添一种独特的女人味。An example of her modus operandi was provided during a terse exchange with the defendant.与被告的简短交流体现了她独特的办事方式。He had a distinctive snake tattoo on his neck.他脖子上有一个独特的蛇形文身。The girl has her own spiritual essence.这个女孩具有独特的精神气质。




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