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词汇 狂风暴雨
例句 It seemed impossible that these frail boats could survive in such a storm.这些单薄的小船哪能经得起这样的狂风暴雨Winds and rain toppled trees and electricity lines.狂风暴雨刮倒了树木,打落了电线。On a wild night our regiment took the fort by surprise.在一个狂风暴雨之夜,我团出其不意地攻占了那个要塞。A mighty storm hath palled the sky.狂风暴雨中天空变得黑压压的。I hear we're in for another humdinger of a storm!我听说我们会再遇到一场狂风暴雨The ship can weather the furious storm.这条船禁得起狂风暴雨的袭击。Strong winds and torrential rain combined to make conditions terrible for golfers in the Scottish Open.狂风暴雨一齐袭来,致使苏格兰高尔夫球公开赛的比赛条件变得异常糟糕。The cloud presignifies a violent storm.这云预示有狂风暴雨Cara slept like a log right through the storm.这样的狂风暴雨,卡拉还是睡得很熟。It rained and stormed incessantly throughout our stay.我们在那儿的几天里一直是狂风暴雨A howling gale and torrential rain lashed the windows.狂风暴雨猛烈地拍打着窗户。Torrential rain and a howling tempest cut a swathe of destruction across the country.狂风暴雨横扫全国,所到之处,一片狼藉。He spoke near the sea in storms to use himself to speak aloud.他在狂风暴雨时在海边讲话,以使自己习惯于大声说话。Strong winds and heavy rain are making driving conditions treacherous in some areas.狂风暴雨使得有些地方对驾驶构成了危险。The forecast is for strong winds and heavy rain.天气预报说会有狂风暴雨The seawall could not stand against the raging storm.海堤顶不住狂风暴雨




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