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词汇 狂风
例句 There was a strong wind.狂风肆虐。The strong winds toppled many trees.狂风刮倒了许多树。The high winds kicked up huge waves.狂风卷起了巨浪。Power lines snapped in the high winds.电线在狂风中折断了。The city of Ormac took the full force of the winds and devastating floods.奥马克城受到了狂风和灾难性洪水的猛烈袭击。A sudden gust caught her hat and sent it careering wildly down the road.突然一阵狂风刮走了她的帽子,吹得沿路飞滚。It sank in a howling gale.它在呼啸的狂风中沉没了。The recent wildfires were made worse by the strong winds.狂风使得近期发生的野火更加肆虐。The competitors had to contend with squally weather conditions.参赛者们不得不与狂风阵阵的天气条件作斗争。The wind blew down several trees.狂风刮倒了几棵树。The wind gusted suddenly, stirring up dust.狂风乍起,搅起一阵尘雾。Strong winds fanned the fire.狂风使火势愈猛。The competitors had to contend with squally weather conditions.参赛者不得不应付狂风肆虐的天气条件。Fierce winds prevented the race from taking place.狂风致使比赛无法进行。He was electrocuted when severe gales blew down an overhead high-voltage cable.狂风吹倒了架空高压线,把他电死了。The violent winds buried the village in sand.狂风把村子掩埋在沙中。High winds nearly tore the roof off the house.狂风差点把房顶都掀掉了。The sea was churned up by heavy winds.狂风搅得大海白浪滔天。The old man could hardly stand on his feet in the flaw.老人在这阵狂风中几乎站不住了。The winds approached gale force.风力已接近狂风级。The winds had touched storm-force the day before.前一天风力已经达到了狂风级。If it hadn't been bucketing down with rain and blowing a gale, I would have had a glorious view.如果不是大雨和狂风,我本可以欣赏到极其美丽的风景。Torrential rain and gale-force storms left many coastal roads impassable.倾盆大雨加上狂风,使得许多沿海道路无法通行。Huge trees had snapped like matchsticks in the hurricane-force winds.一棵棵大树在飓风风力的狂风之中犹如火柴棍似的摧折了。A fierce, freezing wind whipped torrential rain into their faces.一阵冰冷的狂风卷着暴雨砸在他们脸上。The ship's mast snapped under the stress of high winds.狂风的吹打下,船的桅杆啪的一声断了。The blast blew the windows clean out of the building.狂风把这座楼的窗户全都刮走了。I had to have a boat that could handle turbulent seas.我必须有一艘能经得起狂风骇浪的船。We got caught in a howling gale.我们遭遇了呼啸的狂风The wind ripped through the trees and blasted a curtain of rain up the meadow.狂风横扫树木,裹挟着幕帘般的滂沱大雨掠过草地。The boat was damaged in a strong gale.船在狂风中受损了。In the harbor, the boats’ rigging clanked noisily in the high wind.海港里,船上的索具在狂风中当郎作响。Lashing rain and fierce winds have battered parts of the country today.大雨狂风今天在这一带肆虐。The strong winds buffeted the ship.狂风把船吹得左右摇摆。The gale continued to strengthen throughout the night.整个晚上狂风越刮越猛。Trees were going down like ninepins in the strong wind.树木在狂风中横七竖八倒了一地。The house had its roof blown off in the gale.屋顶让狂风给刮掉了。The storm brought blustering winds.暴雨带着怒吼的狂风袭来。There was a stiff wind blowing.当时正刮着狂风High winds had brought the lines down.狂风把电线刮断了。




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