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词汇 犹豫不决
例句 My parents were a bit dubious about it.我的父母对此有些犹豫不决There were weeks of indecision about who would go and when.关于谁去和什么时候去,几个星期以来仍犹豫不决She's still blowing hot and cold on whether to go with us.她对是否跟我们一起走仍犹豫不决I can't make up my mind where to take my vacation: I'm of two minds about where to go.我不能决定去哪儿度假:我对去哪儿犹豫不决She keeps blowing hot and cold about the wedding.她对举行婚礼犹豫不决I was in two minds about whether to go with him.犹豫不决,不知道要不要和他一起去。I'm doubtful about going by myself.犹豫不决,不知道要不要自己去。She was dithering about what to wear.犹豫不决,不知道该穿什么。I know the administration was very torn on this subject.我知道政府在这个问题上犹豫不决,不知该何去何从。He told wavering colleagues the country must back the Government's stance.他告诉犹豫不决的同僚们,国民必须支持政府的立场。The men hesitated in fear of whatever was to come next.这些人因为对将要发生的事担心而犹豫不决If they are too hesitant about starting new projects, others will steal a march on them.如果他们对于开展新项目犹豫不决,其他人便会抢占先机。Des was in two minds about buying the car, but the salesman persuaded him.德斯对是否买车犹豫不决,但那推销员说服他买下了。Put that story into words and don't pussyfoot around with it.把那事写出来,不要犹豫不决Do you know why he was mulling and hesitating?你知道他为什么前思后想、犹豫不决吗?She wavered between staying single and accepting his proposal.犹豫不决,不知是继续做单身女郎好,还是接受他的求婚好。He accused the government of dithering over the deal.他指责政府在处理这一局面时犹豫不决Don't keep shilly-shallying; make up your mind and have done with it.别再犹豫不决了,下定决心结束这件事吧。Owing to his bashfulness, he could not make up his mind to express his love for her.由于他的腼腆,他犹豫不决是否向她表达自己的爱。Hesitantly, she pushed open the door.犹豫不决地推开了门。It advises salesmen to talk round reluctant customers over a cup of tea.它建议销售人员和犹豫不决、不愿购买的顾客一边喝茶,一边说服他们。He vacillates between seeking attention from the public and avoiding the media altogether.犹豫不决,既想吸引公众注意力,又想彻底避开媒体。He eyed Coyne dubiously.犹豫不决地看着科因。Voters would baulk if either candidate made such a proposal.如果任意一个候选人有这样一个提议,投票人就会犹豫不决了。He wavered between accepting and refusing.犹豫不决,不知是接受好,还是拒绝好。He hesitated, as though he had lost his train of thought.犹豫不决,好像没了思路。She was still undecided as to what career she wanted to pursue.她仍旧犹豫不决,不确定自己将来想从事哪种职业。They continue to shilly-shally about what to do.对于要做什么他们仍然犹豫不决She has done her best to keep calm but finds herself trembling with tension and indecision.她尽力保持镇定,可还是由于紧张、犹豫不决而抖个不停。I stood irresolute beside my car.犹豫不决地站在我的车旁。I'm still dithering about what to do next.对下一步我仍在犹豫不决The President appeared to wobble over sending the troops in.总统在派兵问题上显得犹豫不决Having reached a decision, I did not shilly-shally about the affair.既已就此事作出决定,我就不再犹豫不决了。Michael was indecisive about how to decorate the room.关于如何装饰房间,迈克尔犹豫不决If only he was like you, I wouldn't have to think twice.只要他像你一样,我就不必犹豫不决了。 I'm sorry to be so indecisive, but can I let you know tomorrow?很抱歉我犹豫不决,我能明天给你答复吗?People from minorities may be hesitant to enter local politics.少数族裔的人对是否参与地方政治犹豫不决He hesitated, undecided whether to go or stay.是去还是留,他犹豫不决She has vacillated on this issue.她对此事犹豫不决He was doubtful about which plane to take.犹豫不决,不知该乘哪架飞机。




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