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词汇 牵扯
例句 There's a lot of money at stake here and none of the partners wants to put his neck on the line.牵扯到一大笔钱,没有哪个合伙人愿意担这个风险。Perhaps he was agonizing over the moral issues involved.也许他是在为牵扯其中的道德问题而忧心忡忡。It's difficult enough without muddying the issue with religion.即使不把宗教牵扯进去,这个问题也已经够棘手的了。I really don't to get involved in this argument, but I can feel myself being sucked into it.我根本就不想与整个争论有任何瓜葛,不过我能感觉到自己被牵扯了进去。Don't involve me in your quarrel!不要把我牵扯进你们的争吵中! I would caution against getting involved with him.我奉劝大家不要和他牵扯在一起。We ought not to bring in extraneous matters in trying to find a basis for a settlement.我们努力寻求解决问题的基础时,不应该牵扯进无关的事情。She was involved with some sleazebag.她和某个可鄙之人牵扯到一起。I distinctly remember wishing I had not got involved.我清楚地记得希望自己没有被牵扯进去。She can't be kept out of the case entirely, after all. We'll have to ring her in.不能把她完全晾在这件案子之外,我们非把她牵扯进来不可。How dare you commit me without my permission?你怎么敢不得我许可就把我牵扯进去?The controversy could even embroil the Queen during her three-day trip to Australia.这场论战甚至可能会牵扯到在澳大利亚进行三天访问的女王。Suffice it to say, I refused to get involved.只说一句,我拒绝牵扯进去。The incident had a whiff of scandal about it.这个事件牵扯到一些丑闻。The dispute involves one of the region's most contentious leaders.这场争执牵扯到了这个地区最好争论的领导人中的一人。How did you get caught up in this mess?你是怎么牵扯到这乌七八糟的事情里的?He committed suicide rather than face the shame of being linked to the scandal.他不愿牵扯进这桩丑闻而受辱,于是选择了自杀。




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