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词汇 马蹄
例句 The horse kicked him in the rear.马蹄踢在他的屁股上。Leather overshoes were put on the horses' hooves to stop them marking the turf.马蹄上套了皮套子,以免在赛马场上踩出印子。The horses' hooves often could not get a proper grip.马蹄经常会打滑。The smith files the horse's hoof before fitting the horseshoe.铁匠在钉马蹄铁之前先把马蹄锉平。The cobblestones rang beneath the horses' feet.鹅卵石在马蹄的踩踏下嘚嘚作响。Canker can infect the inner parts of the horse's hoof.马蹄疮可以感染马蹄的内部。Donkeys' hoofs are shaped differently from horses'.驴蹄子和马蹄子形状不同。There was a great clatter of hooves and chains as a dray arrived in the yard.院子里驶来了一辆大马车,马蹄和缰链碰撞发出很大的当啷当啷的响声。Hundreds of hooves drummed the earth.数以百计的马蹄嗒嗒地踩过地面。The clopping of the hooves was a drumbeat to their singing.马蹄的嗒嗒声为他们的歌声打拍子。The horse's hooves churned up the sod.马蹄翻起了草皮。




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