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词汇 爸爸
例句 Good morning, Papa!早上好,爸爸My father would go nuts if he saw bruises on me.如果我爸爸看到我脸上有伤痕,他会气疯的。Dad, can we go home now? I'm bored!爸爸,我们可以回家了吗?我觉得厌烦了!There was a loud crash in the bedroom and my dad started yelling.卧室里哗啦一声巨响,我爸爸大叫了起来。I talked to Dad.我跟爸爸谈了谈。My father was a habitual gambler, until my mother packed her bags and threatened to leave.爸爸曾经嗜赌成性,直到妈妈收拾行李威胁要离开他。You'll go upstairs and you'll go straight to bed like your father told you!你应该听你爸爸的话,上楼睡觉去。My father's health has recently taken a turn for the better. 爸爸的身体最近好些了。Believe me, if his father wasn't so rich, that guy would be working in a convenience store.相信我,要不是他爸爸这么有钱,那家伙还在便利店里打工呢。My dad is getting on a bit now.爸爸有点儿老了。Stop tormenting your father with such stupid questions!别用这种愚蠢的问题去纠缠你爸爸了! Dad and I spent some quality time together.爸爸和我一起度过了一些温馨的时光。Dad's really angry with you, so you'd better make yourself scarce.爸爸很生你的气,你最好躲着他一点。Dad was furious with me.爸爸对我很生气。I could never win an argument with my father.我永远也争论不过爸爸When an envelope arrived bearing Dad's unmistakable handwriting, I knew something must be wrong.一封有着爸爸清楚可辨的笔迹的信送到时,我就知道肯定出事了。Her father had been a merchant seaman, absent for much of her childhood.爸爸曾是商船船员,在她童年的大部分时光里都不在她身边。Dad, I'm cold. Can I put the heater on?爸爸,我很冷。我能开暖气吗?Dad, you need a bath. No offence.爸爸,别见怪,不过你该洗澡了。Dad was putting up the Christmas decorations.爸爸正在布置圣诞装饰品。Don't even ask Dad. You know how tight-fisted he is about these kinds of things.你问都不用去问爸爸,你知道他在这些事情上手很紧。Dad was snoozing in his armchair.爸爸在扶手椅里打盹。I'll tell Daddy, and then you'll be sorry because he'll give you another black eye.我会告诉爸爸,到时候有你好受的,因为爸爸会再揍你一顿。All small children want to cuddle up with Mummy or Daddy.所有孩子都希望和妈妈或爸爸偎依在一起。It was a comforting thought that at least her father hadn't suffered.令人宽慰的是,至少她爸爸没有遭受痛苦。Dad just can't bear to be contradicted.爸爸就是受不了有人反驳他。My dad told me I was crazy to leave my job.爸爸对我说,我要辞职很荒谬。My mother cooks a big turkey for Thanksgiving every year, and my father does the honors at the table. 我妈妈每年感恩节都烤一只大火鸡,而我爸爸负责把火鸡切开,招待宾客。Dad would occasionally break in with an amusing comment.爸爸时不时插进来一句趣评。Dad, you're wanted on the phone.爸爸,有电话找你。Dad! Peter keeps hitting me!爸爸!彼得一直打我!Here I am, Daddy.我来了,爸爸Bill's mockery of his dad was cruel, but it made us laugh.比尔模仿他爸爸的做法有点残忍,不过我们都被逗笑了。When his dad left, he felt as though his world had turned upside-down.爸爸出走后,他觉得自己的世界完全乱了套。My dad and I used to go on a camping trip alone together every summer.我和爸爸以前每年夏天都一起去野营旅行。My mother is short but my father is fairly tall.我妈妈个儿矮,但是我爸爸相当高。He wasn't emotionally ready to become a father.他还没从情感上做好当爸爸的准备。She gets round her dad easily, but her mother is stricter.她能轻易哄得爸爸同意,但她妈妈要严厉一些。I don't know what this note says - Dad's handwriting is totally illegible!我不知道这张便条上说的是什么—爸爸的字根本无法辨认!You'd be better off living on your own than quarrelling all the time with your dad.你自己一个人住比整天跟你爸爸吵架强。




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