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词汇 爬到
例句 Every time he had to climb the stairs, he was fighting for breath when he reached the top.他每次爬楼梯爬到顶时都会上气不接下气。I don't think I am physically able to climb all the way to the top.我觉得我没有体力一路爬到顶。People had climbed into the upper branches of the tree to escape the rising waters.人们爬到最上面的树枝躲避不断升高的水。We didn't climb to the very top of the mountain, but close enough.我们没有爬到山的最高点,但很接近。The air became even thinner when I climbed to the top of the mountain.爬到山顶时,空气变得更加稀薄了。I was so tired I just wanted to crawl into bed.我累坏了,只想爬到床上去。They crept up to the glass doors and peeped inside.他们爬到玻璃门跟前,向里面窥视。Jose, as usual, had climbed a tree to keep watch.乔斯像往常一样爬到树上放哨。He reached the top by dint of great effort.他费了很大的劲终于爬到了顶。Before he reached the top, he was already sweating and panting.他还没有爬到山顶就已经浑身出汗,气喘吁吁了。He climbed onto the roof to get a better view.爬到屋顶上以便看得更清楚些。He got stuck halfway up the rock face.他沿着岩壁爬到一半,被卡住了。The Marines climbed to the roof of the embassy building to raise the American flag.海军陆战队队员爬到使馆大楼顶上,升起了美国国旗。He climbed on top of a slightly unsteady item of furniture.爬到了一件不怎么稳当的家具上面。I climbed to the top of a rise overlooking the ramparts.爬到了一个可以俯瞰护城墙的坡顶。I was grovelling under the sofa, trying to find my contact lens.我正爬到沙发底下找我的隐形眼镜。He warned others about the live electric cables as they climbed to safety.他们爬到安全地带时他警告其他人注意带电的电缆。I literally crawled to the car.我真的是爬到车那边去的。They were halfway up the mountain, when the weather became so bad that they were forced to turn back.他们已爬到半山腰,天气变得很糟,他们被迫返回。He was halfway up the ladder.他正爬到梯子一半。He climbed to his favourite perch near the top.爬到接近顶部他最喜欢呆的地方。He climbed up on the top bunk and tried to fall asleep.爬到上铺想睡觉。We climbed to the top of the tower to have a look at the view.我们爬到塔顶去欣赏风景。He had been shot in the chest but managed to crawl to safety.他胸部中弹,但还是设法爬到了安全的地方。I was winded when I got to the top of the hill.爬到山顶时喘不过气来了。They climbed higher, right to the top of the hill.他们爬得更高,一直爬到了山顶。She mounted the last flight to the sixth floor.爬到了通往六楼的最后一段楼梯。He clambered halfway up the counter side.爬到背面的一半。She had climbed onto the ledge outside his window.爬到了他窗外的窗台上。We climbed right to the top of the mountain.我们一直爬到山顶。The boy climbed onto the roof top.男孩爬到屋顶上。She motioned me to climb a nearby oak to spy out our surroundings.她示意我爬到附近的一棵橡树上察看周围情况。He climbed onto the roof to check the TV aerial.爬到屋顶上去检查电视天线。When I reached the top of the stairs I was puffing and panting like an old steam engine.爬到楼梯顶时喘得就像一台老式的蒸汽发动机。He watched the baby crawl across the room.他看著婴儿从房间这边爬到那边。How did you get up there on the roof?你是怎么爬到屋顶上去的?She climbed onto the back of my motorcycle.爬到我摩托车的后座上。Tim had climbed up a tree to get a better view.蒂姆为看得更清楚些爬到了树上。Climb to the top of the Eiffel Tower if you want a bird's eye view of Paris.如果你想俯瞰巴黎,就爬到艾菲尔铁塔顶上去。We climbed rather perilously down a rope-ladder to the boat below.我们冒着相当大的危险沿着绳梯爬到了下面的船上。




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