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One dead child was found in the ruins almost two hours after the explosion.爆炸发生将近两个小时以后,在废墟中发现了一个已经死亡的小孩。In the confusion after the bomb blast, I lost my bag and wasn't able to stop and look for it.在爆炸发生后的一片混乱中,我丢了包,也无法停下来寻找。After the explosion, a plume of smoke could be seen in the sky for miles around.爆炸发生后,方圆几英里都能看得见天空中的烟雾。No-one claimed responsibility for the bombing, which occurred on the eve of the Prime Minister's visit.爆炸发生在首相访问前夕,但没有人声明对事件负责。The public mood changed dramatically after the bombing.爆炸发生后,公众的情绪发生了明显的变化。Minutes after the explosion, all that remained was the skeleton of the bridge.爆炸发生几分钟后,这座桥就只剩下一副框架了。The explosions took place as crowds of people were shopping.爆炸发生时,成群的人正在购物。A few seconds after the explosion the street was full of panic-stricken people, fleeing in all directions.爆炸发生几秒钟后,街上全都是惊慌失措、四处逃散的人。After the explosion, nothing of the walls or vaulting remained intact.爆炸发生之后,没什么墙壁或拱顶是完好无损的。The explosions took place in shopping centres as crowds of people were shopping for Mothers' Day.爆炸发生在购物中心,当时大批人群正在为母亲节购物。Most of the cargo was left intact after the explosion.大部分货物在爆炸发生后都完好无损。After the bomb, an uneasy calm settled on the city.爆炸发生后,城里笼罩着一种令人不安的平静。After the second explosion, all of London's main train and tube stations were shut down.第二次爆炸发生后,伦敦所有主要的火车站和地铁站都关闭了。A huge crater marks the spot where the explosion happened.巨大的弹坑标明了爆炸发生的地点。The bombers escaped in the confusion following the explosion.爆炸发生后现场一片混乱,投放炸弹的人趁机逃跑了。Reporters described the horrific scenes which followed the bombing.记者们对爆炸发生以后的可怕场面作了报道。The explosion occurred yesterday.爆炸发生在昨天。The house was unoccupied at the time of the explosion.爆炸发生的时候房子里没有人。 |