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词汇 salesperson
例句 One salesperson covers the whole state.一个推销员负责整个州的销售。The salesperson kept using the same canned phrases.售货员不断重复着那些陈词滥调。The salesperson bamboozled us into getting a more expensive item than we had planned to buy.售货员诱骗我们买了超出我们计划范围的更昂贵的货品。Without wishing to sound conceited, I am the best salesperson in the company.不是我自夸,我是公司最好的推销员。A salesperson pounced on me as soon as I walked into the store.我刚进店,销售人员就迎了上来。The salesperson talked up the car's safety features.销售人员说这辆车的安全性能很好。He started out as a salesperson before turning to poetry.他转向写诗之前是干推销工作的。The salesperson verifies the signature by comparing it with the one on the card.销售人员把签名和卡上的字迹进行对比核实。The salesperson demonstrated a new washing machine.推销员示范操作新的洗衣机。Customers are tired of the stereotypical, fast-talking salesperson.顾客们对千篇一律的摇唇鼓舌的推销员已经厌烦透了。The salesperson fast-talked him into buying the car for more than it was worth.那个汽车推销员忽悠他花高价买下那辆车。The salesperson greeted me with a warm hello.售货员热情地和我打招呼。The office is seeking a salesperson.那家办事处正在招募一名销售人员。The salesperson was a saint for putting up with them.那个销售员简直是个圣人,容忍了他们。The salesperson was inexcusably rude.那名销售员的粗鲁无礼不可原谅。




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