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词汇 燃油
例句 Careful calculation is required to determine the required amount of fuel.要确定所需的燃油量需经周密的计算。The fuel crisis will be at the top of the agenda for today's board meeting.燃油危机将是今天这个董事会议议程上的首要议题。Tanks must be completely drained of fuel before the vehicles are crated.车辆在装箱前必须把油箱里的燃油完全排干。The amount of carbon dioxide released by human activities such as burning coal and oil is small in comparison.烧煤、燃油等人类活动所释放的二氧化碳量相对较少。The pilot knew the plane was low on fuel.飞行员知道飞机燃油不够了。The plane, which was full of fuel, scattered flaming fragments over a large area.燃烧的碎片从装满燃油的飞机上散落到大片区域里。Fuel poured into the cabin and flames licked at the windows.燃油被倒进小屋后,火焰立刻吞噬了窗口。If you have too much fuel, you’ll flood the engine.加太多燃油的话,发动机就会溢油。The fuel gauge reads below zero.燃油表显示油量在零以下。There was a sudden flare as a fuel tank exploded.燃油罐爆炸时突然蹿出了火苗。We used sail power and turned the engine off to save our fuel.我们借助风帆的动力航行,且关掉了发动机以节省燃油It didn't come as a shock to learn that the fuel and cooling systems are the most common causes of breakdown.燃油和冷却系统是造成故障的最常见的原因,这一点不奇怪。Oil fires the heating system.供暖系统是烧燃油的。The heating system runs on oil.这种取暖系统是靠燃油供暖的。Fuel was rationed during the war.战争期间,燃油实行定量供应。The great pollutants are industrial plants and oil burners.工厂和燃油设施是主要污染源。The pilot then began a desperate race against time to land the plane before it ran out of fuel.于是飞行员开始争分夺秒,力争在燃油用光之前着陆。Government measures to slow the economy failed to curb fuel demand growth.政府控制经济增速的措施未能遏制燃油需求的增加。The global trend towards higher taxation on fuel consumption is souring relations with leading oil-producing states.全球调高燃油消费税的趋势,损害了与主要产油国之间的关系。What gives cheaper fuel campaigners the right to hold the country to ransom?那些争取廉价燃油的人有什么权利要挟国家?We turned the engine off to save fuel.我们关掉了发动机以节省燃油We can retrofit your car with the new fuel system.我们可以为你的汽车改装新的燃油系统。The blast cut supplies of oil to the main power station.爆炸切断了主电站的燃油供应。The prime minister makes more money from taxing fuel than the oil barons make from producing it.首相对燃油征税所赚取的钱超过石油大亨生产燃油所得的利润。If they need to bunch aircraft more closely together to bring in one that is short of fuel, they will do so.如果需要将飞机挨得更紧一些好使其中那架燃油不足的飞机不致掉队,他们会这么做的。The car's designers traded off some power for greater fuel efficiency.汽车设计者牺牲一些动力,以换取更大的燃油效能。The cold snap is leaving motorists hot under the collar as batteries and fuel lines freeze.这股寒流让开车的人很恼火,因为汽车的电池和燃油管都冻住了。Here's your problem. The fuel line's all gunked up.你的问题出在这里,燃油管全给污垢堵塞了。Another cargo plane disgorges dozens of barrels of fuel oil.另一架货运飞机卸下了几十桶燃油Streamlining cars increases their fuel efficiency.把汽车设计成流线型可以提高汽车的燃油效率。The planes were refuelled in midair.飞机在半空中续加了燃油Electric cars may one day supplant petrol-driven ones.电动汽车有朝一日可能会取代燃油汽车。They need to bunch aircraft more closely together to bring in one that is short of fuel.他们需要使飞机飞得更密集一些,以让燃油少的那架降落。The fuel oil on board could cause an environmental disaster.船上的燃油可能导致环境灾难。There's no fuel oil left - none to speak of, anyway.已经没有燃油了一不管怎么说,已经所剩无几了。Oil supplies have been shut off.燃油供应被切断了。Increasing fuel costs are bumping the company's prices higher.不断上涨的燃油成本推高了公司产品的价格。The house uses electric/gas/oil/solar heat. 这房子利用电/煤气/燃油/太阳能供暖。




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