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词汇 forecast
例句 I know it's forecast not to rain, but I'm going to take an umbrella in any case.我知道预报说不会有雨,但是尽管如此,我还是会带把伞。Strong winds are forecast in the area for the next few days.预计未来几天这一地区将有大风。The forecast is for changeable weather.预报针对的是变化无常的天气。The weather forecast calls for cloudy skies with a threat of rain.天气预报说多云,可能会下雨。The forecast is for strong winds and heavy rain.天气预报说会有狂风暴雨。There are too many imponderables to make an accurate forecast.无法估量的事情太多,因而难以作出准确的预测。More unsettled weather is forecast for the weekend.预报周末天气更不稳定。This forecast assumes there will be no recession.这个预测假定不会出现经济衰退。The latest economic forecast again raises the spectre of increased inflation.最新的经济预测再次增加了人们对越来越严重的通货膨胀的担忧。Economists forecast that falling consumer confidence will cut into household purchases.经济学家预测,消费者信心的下降会拉低房屋购买量。There is little promise of relief in the forecast.此次预测中几乎没有缓解的迹象。You will recall that I sent you a warning of troubled times. Well now, almost everything I forecast has come about.你还记得我警告过你时局会出现动荡吧。现在看来,几乎我预测的每件事都发生了。Such events may forecast peace.这类事件可能是和平的预兆。We use atmospheric pressure readings from barometers to forecast the weather.我们利用气压计上的气压读数来预报天气。Cosgrave's forecast turned out to be quite wrong.科斯格雷夫的预测最后证明是大错特错。The forecast is for strong winds at lower elevations.天气预报说低海拔地区有强风。Hardly anyone had forecast that the drought would last so long.几乎没人预测到干旱会持续那么长时间。The forecast calls for more rain.天气预报说还会下雨。The forecast was for gusty winds and rain.天气预报说有阵风和降雨。Property analysts forecast a fall in house prices.房地产分析人士预测房价会下跌。The papers forecast clear skies tomorrow.报纸预报明天天晴。The forecast is for wind and light rain.预报有风和小雨。The weather has been extremely hot, but the forecast calls for a slight moderation in temperatures over the next several days. 天气持续炎热,不过天气预报显示,未来几天气温将有所下降。Yesterday's weather forecast was a little wide of the mark, then.昨天的天气预报有点不准。The forecast is for strong winds at higher elevations.天气预报说在高海拔地区会有大风。The study also forecast an explosion in the diet soft-drink market.该研究还预测低糖软饮料市场将迅猛增长。Rain and high winds are forecast.天气预报说有雨和大风。Check the weather forecast before you set out.出发之前查一下天气预报。The government has issued a pessimistic economic forecast.政府发布了对经济的悲观预测。The world's largest chip maker gave a gloomy forecast for the first quarter.世界最大的芯片制造商给第一季度作出了悲观的预测。Experts forecast that the economy will slow in the coming months.专家预测未来数月经济将放缓。There was no knowing when the flood waters might recede with so much rain in the forecast.天气预报说会持续下雨,所以没法知道洪水什么时候会退。Severe thunderstorms are forecast for Tuesday night.预报说周二晚上有恶劣的雷暴天气。The bad weather forecast only reinforces our decision to leave early tomorrow.天气预报说将有恶劣天气,这更坚定了我们明天早点儿动身的决心。There was a forecast of cooler weather toward the end of the week.预报称这周末天气会凉下来。He delivered his election forecast.他公布了对选举结果的预测。The weather forecast says that there's a strong possibility of snow.天气预报说很可能下雪。Fair weather was forecast for the following day.天气预报说次日天晴。The weather forecast said there was a fifty-fifty chance of rain.天气预报说有一半可能性下雨。More torrential rain is forecast tonight.据预报今晚还要下暴雨。




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