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词汇 熨斗
例句 The flex on this iron isn't long enough to reach the socket.熨斗的花线不够长,接不到插座上。The plug on my iron needs changing.熨斗上的插头需要更换了。The iron is fitted with a three-pin plug.熨斗配有三脚插头。I got a nasty shock from the iron.我让熨斗狠狠电了一下。Some parts of the iron which the user may touch can become live.熨斗有几处使用者可能接触的地方有时会漏电。You transfer the embroidery design from the paper to cloth by pressing it with a warm iron.你用热熨斗一烫就把刺绣图样转印到布上。Don't touch the iron. You'll burn yourself.别碰熨斗,会烫伤你的。She flinched as she touched the hot iron.她碰到灼热的熨斗时缩了一下。Chambermaids will bring an iron or hair dryer on request.只要提出要求,清理房间的女服务员就会送来熨斗或电吹风。She yelled in pain as she touched the hot iron.她碰到热熨斗,疼得大叫起来。I burned myself on the iron. 我被熨斗烫伤了。The kids bought transfers and ironed them onto their T-shirts.孩子们买来转印图画,然后用熨斗印到他们的短袖圆领运动衫上。Guess what he got her for her birthday - an iron!猜猜他给她买了什么生日礼物—一只熨斗I picked up a new iron in the sale - it was a steal.我在大减价时买了个新熨斗——非常便宜。She uses the iron on a low setting when she is working with delicate fabrics.她把熨斗调到低温挡来熨烫易损织物。Use an iron to smooth out any creases.熨斗把皱褶熨平。Make sure the iron isn't too hot or you'll burn the cloth.熨斗温度一定不能过高,免得烫坏布料。The iron scorched the tablecloth.熨斗烫焦了桌布。She creased his pants with an iron.她用熨斗把他的裤子烫出折缝来。The iron was too hot and he scorched the shirt.熨斗太烫了,他把衬衫烫焦了。Having the iron on a very high heat can scorch the fabric.熨斗温度调得太高会把织物烫坏。Don't touch the iron - it's hot.别碰那熨斗—它很烫。Be careful – the iron is red-hot.小心,熨斗很烫。The shirt was seared by the hot iron.衬衣被灼热的熨斗烫焦了。A touch of the iron is all the care this dress needs.这衣服只须熨斗稍微一熨就行。




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