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词汇 熠熠
例句 He looked at me with a twinkle in his eye.他目光熠熠地看着我。The stars appeared on the red carpet weighed down with more bling than the crown jewels.明星们星光熠熠地踏上红地毯,身上的珠光宝气比国王还要光彩夺目。The coruscations of immortal truth will shine into us.不朽真理放射出的熠熠光芒将照进我们心头。The distant mountains glowed in the light of the setting sun.远山在落日的余晖中熠熠发光。Heavy gold earrings gleamed against her dusky cheeks.沉甸甸的金耳环在她黝黑的面颊的衬托下熠熠发光。The sun caught her dazzling copper hair.阳光照耀在她紫铜色的头发上,熠熠发光。Her golden hair flared like the sun.她那金色的头发像阳光般熠熠发亮。Her car gleamed in the sunshine.她的车在阳光下熠熠闪光。Their feathers lustred in the moonlight as they passed.它们飞过时,羽毛在月光下熠熠闪光。




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