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词汇 煮过
例句 I do everything for him, and he's never so much as made me a cup of coffee.我为他什么都做,而他连一杯咖啡也没有给我煮过The hard-boiled eggs were tough and rubbery.煮过头的鸡蛋吃起来韧硬似橡胶。The overcooked oatmeal had a consistency resembling paste.煮过头的燕麦粥黏得像浆糊。The steak's a little overdone.牛排有点煮过头了。Sprinkle sugar onto the cooked fruit to sweeten it.煮过的水果上撒些糖使它更甜些。The meal was overcooked, but I managed to choke down a few bites.煮过了头,但我还是强忍着吃了几口。Stir a cup of cooked brown rice into the mixture.把一杯煮过的糙米拌入混合料中。The vegetables were poached in chicken broth.蔬菜在鸡汤里煮过了。The potatoes will turn to mush if they are overcooked.马铃薯如果煮过头就会变得烂糊糊的。The better plan is to peel them after boiling.更好的办法是将它们煮过后再剥皮。The vegetables were overcooked and tasteless, and cold to boot.蔬菜煮过头了,淡而无味,而且还是凉的。Try not to overcook the beans, or better yet eat them raw.别把豆子煮过头了,要不干脆生吃。Do not store cooked and uncooked meat together.不要把煮过的和未煮过的肉放在一起保存。




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