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词汇 consent to
例句 He rarely consents to do interviews.他很少会答应接受采访。Your parent or guardian will be asked for their consent to your examination or treatment.你的检查或治疗都要征得父母或监护人的同意。He consented to the removal of the flags.他同意撤掉旗子。The city authorities have given their consent to leases on two buildings in the centre of Moscow.市政当局已经同意租借莫斯科市中心的两幢大楼。She was sleeping, and on no consideration would the servant consent to disturb her.她正在睡觉,仆人绝对不会同意去打搅她。They would not consent to my leaving school.他们不同意我辍学。He reluctantly consented to the material being edited.他勉强同意了正在编辑修改的材料。Mrs Meade has graciously consented to supervise your detention.米德夫人好心答应在你放学后留校时指导你。Would you consent to work for us?你同意为我们工作吗? The information should generally be considered private unless there is explicit consent to disclose it.该信息一般应被视为私密信息,除非得到明确同意可以披露。The people will never consent to another war.人民决不会同意再发生一次战争。Your silence implies tacit consent to these proposals.你的沉默意味着你默许这些提议。He reluctantly consented to his daughter's marriage.他勉强同意女儿的婚事。Her father would not consent to her going abroad.她父亲不会同意她到国外去。He consented to the plan.他同意这个计划。The old lady was still being ornery, but at least she had consented to this visit.老太太仍然很固执,但至少同意了接受这次访问。Completion of the survey was taken as implied consent to participate.完成调查表被视为同意参加调查。His father did not consent to his going abroad.他父亲不同意他去国外。You have my consent to sell the shares.我准许你卖出股票。Her father consented to the marriage.她父亲答应了这桩婚事。The judge asked if she had consented to intercourse.法官询问她当时是否同意进行性交。He has kindly consented to give us some of his valuable time.他真好,答应抽出一些宝贵时间给我们。Her father reluctantly consented to the marriage.她父亲勉强答应了这桩婚事。He consented to make a few alteration.他同意作一些改动。Her father would not consent to the marriage.她父亲不会同意这门婚事。I cannot consent to any deferment on your payment.我不能同意你延期付款。Would you perhaps consent to act as our interpreter?你同意为我们担任口译吗?The builder consented to do the repairs at no additional charge.建造商同意进行修缮,不收取额外费用。Students must have the consent of their parents to go on the trip. = Students must have parental consent to go on the trip.学生外出旅行须经父母同意。I confirm that the patient lacks capacity to give or withhold consent to this procedure or course of treatment.我确定,这位患者没有能力就这个步骤或疗程表示同意或拒绝。He yielded his consent to the project.他同意了这个项目。He asked Ginny if she would consent to a small celebration after the christening.他问金尼是否同意在洗礼之后小小地庆祝一下。He finally consented to go.他最终同意去了。The stubborn mayor finally consented to a dialogue with the strike leaders.固执的市长终于同意与罢工领袖进行对话。He withheld his consent to the marriage.他拒不同意这门婚事。




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