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词汇 热爱
例句 What was it that first brought you two together? Your love of music?一开始是什么让你们俩走在一起的?是你们对音乐的热爱吗?Her children have inherited her love of sport.她的孩子们继承了她对运动的热爱I love competing. I'm completely addicted.热爱竞争。我完全上瘾了。Harry was unable to understand the boy's passion for mechanical objects in preference to living creatures.哈里无法理解的是,那男孩对机械物体的热爱竟胜过了活生生的动物。My parents have always been keen on travelling, whenever they get the chance.我的父母一向热爱旅游,只要有机会他们就去。His love for science will never die.他对科学的热爱永不会消退。These mountains are a playground for hikers, skiers, and nature lovers.这些大山是远足者、滑雪者和热爱大自然的人的乐园。His bent for natural history directed him towards his first job.他选择第一份工作是出自对博物学的热爱His passion for music began at the age of six when he had his first piano lessons.他对音乐的热爱始于六岁时的第一堂钢琴课。He wisely contented himself with his family and his love of nature.他非常明智,拥有家庭和对自然的热爱便知足了。His beautifully illustrated book well attested his love of the university.他那本带有精美插图的书表露了他对大学的热爱She loves hiking, biking, and all that jazz.热爱徒步旅行、骑车以及诸如此类的运动。The majority in the profession enjoy their work and are well paid for it.业界大多数人都热爱自己的工作,并且收入丰厚。He was never into sports.他从没热爱过体育。I am not a country person at all. I prefer the city.我根本就不是热爱乡村的那种人,我更喜欢城市。Peru is a very traditional country, and embedded in its psyche is a love of ceremony.秘鲁是一个非常传统的国家,这个国家的精神中蕴含着一种对于礼仪的热爱I love my life and wouldn't change/trade/swap/switch places with anyone in the world!热爱自己的生活,不愿意与任何人交换境况。A love of nature links the two poets.对大自然的热爱把两位诗人联系在一起。The groups at the conference spoke piously of their fondness for democracy.与会团体不切实际地谈起了对民主的热爱She is a real nature lover. = She really loves nature. 她是真正热爱大自然的人。She implanted a love of reading in her students. 她教导学生热爱阅读。The French are known for their love of their language.法国人热爱自己的语言是出了名的。As a teacher, he endeavors to inspire a love of learning in his students.作为老师,他一直努力激发学生们对学习的热爱I really loved teaching at first but my heart's not in it any more.起初,我的确很热爱教书,但是现在我的心已不在这上面。The French feel passionately about their native tongue.法国人对自己的母语无比热爱She was forced to leave her beloved Paris and return to Lyon.她被迫离开热爱的巴黎,回到里昂。We are a nation of animal lovers.我们是一个热爱动物的民族。She adored her parents.热爱父母。Rundgren inspires fanatical devotion, always has done.伦德格伦的音乐激起人们疯狂的热爱,向来都是如此。She loves her job, and she's very good at it.热爱自己的工作,干得也很好。His passion for music has been the driving force in his life.对音乐的热爱是他的人生动力。She inherited the urge to travel from her father.热爱旅行是从父亲那里遗传来的。He delighted in sharing his love of birds with children.他喜欢与孩子们分享他对鸟类的热爱The French are famous for their love of good food.法国人以热爱美食而著称。She told us about her lifelong interest in music.她给我们讲述了她对音乐一生的热爱Few women can understand a grown man's love of sport.很少有女人能理解一个成年男人对体育的那份热爱They were devastated that they had to leave their beloved homeland.要离开自己热爱的祖国,他们心中悲痛万分。Nelson has a true passion for literature.纳尔逊真正热爱文学。I love to sail because it makes me feel so alive.热爱航海,因为它让我感到充满活力。Her penchant for mathematics helped her to become an engineer.她成为工程师得益于她对数学的热爱




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