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词汇 热浪
例句 Heat waves shimmied off the asphalt roads.热浪在沥青路上翻滚。There is no end in sight to this heat wave.热浪的结束遥遥无期。She soon wilted in the morning heat.在早晨的热浪中她很快就蔫儿了。The building on fire was involved with heat, smoke and flame.着火的大楼给热浪、烟雾和火焰紧紧包围住了。They stood in the baking heat.他们就站在灼人的热浪中。The Met Office says that the heatwave will continue for most of the week.国家气象局称本周大部分时间热浪仍将持续。We drove across the desert, through the shimmering heat haze.我们驾车穿过沙漠,穿过涌动的热浪The heat from the explosion seared their hands and faces.爆炸的热浪灼伤了他们的手和脸。A long summer heatwave had turned the river into a weak trickle of water.夏天持久的热浪已使大河变成了涓涓细流。The winter heatwave in California is a stark contrast to the below-freezing temperatures on the East Coast.加州的冬季热浪与东海岸的零下气温形成了鲜明的对比。People were beginning to tire in the midday heat.在正午时分的热浪之中,人们开始感到疲倦。Firefighters were driven back by the overpowering heat of the flames.消防队员被火焰的强大热浪逼退。Office workers stripped down to their shirtsleeves in the heatwave.热浪中,办公室职员脱得只剩下衬衣。Death toll rises as heat wave scorches southern Europe.由于热浪炙烤,欧洲南部死亡人数上升。We stood in the baking heat.我们站在热浪里。Firefighters had to retreat from the fierce heat.消防员面对逼人的热浪只得后撤。They instinctively backed away from the intense heat.热浪前他们本能地倒退。Britain bakes in a Mediterranean heatwave.地中海的热浪炙烤着英国。There is always a rush for fans and air conditioners during the first heat wave.每年第一次热浪来袭时,总会出现电风扇和空调需求激增的情况。The flowers were drooping in the heat.花朵在热浪中垂下了头。The heat wave will continue into next week.这股热浪将持续到下周。The trees shimmered in the afternoon heat.午后的热浪中,树木闪着微光。The heat of mid-afternoon was beating on the roof.午后的热浪直扑屋顶。The heatwave brought traffic misery to thousands.热浪给数以千计的人的出行带来不便。




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