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词汇 烧制
例句 Decoration is applied to the plates before the final firing.盘子在最后一次烧制前绘上装饰图案。Bricks are fired in a kiln.砖是在窑中烧制的。After the pot is dipped in this mixture, it is fired.陶罐在这一混合料中浸过之后就拿去烧制The piece would then be glazed and fired in the kiln.然后这件物品要上釉并在窑中烧制When soft woods are used for the firing, the clay turns dark from the smoke.用软木烧制时,黏土会被烟雾熏暗。I have watched the potters mold, fire and paint their bowls, plates and vases with sacred designs.我见过制陶工人捏塑、烧制碗碟花瓶,并在上面涂绘各种宗教图案。A roof tile is made of baked clay.屋顶的瓦是用黏土烧制而成的。The pot must cool before its second firing.罐子在第二次烧制前必须先冷却。She will fire the pots later today.她将在今天晚些时候烧制这些罐子。The pots are now ready to be fired.罐子现在已经准备就绪,可以烧制了。




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