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词汇 烂泥
例句 She kicked at the dirt with the toe of her scuffed boot.她用磨损了的靴子尖踢着烂泥As the car raced past, it spattered mud on my clothes.当汽车急驰而过时,它将烂泥溅在我衣服上。I walked slowly through the mud, trying not to slip and fall.我在烂泥中缓缓行走,尽量不让自己滑倒摔跤。He slipped on the wet grass and measured his length in the mud.他踩上湿草滑了一跤,全身躺在烂泥上。The oars had churned up the mud, clouding the water.船桨搅起烂泥,水变得一片浑浊。People were sloshing around in the mud.人们在烂泥里嘎吱嘎吱地走。I fell smack in the mud.我正好跌在烂泥里。The tide was out, leaving nothing but mud as far as the eye could see.潮水退了,目光所及之处只能看到一片烂泥The robber left an impression of his feet in the mud.强盗在烂泥里留下了他的脚印。Horses who stand in mud may develop canker.站在烂泥地上的马可能会得马蹄疮。Their expensive riding jackets were covered in mud.他们昂贵的骑马服上全是烂泥He wondered what creepy-crawlies might live in mud like that.他不知道什么样的爬虫可能会生活在那样的烂泥中。The ancient canal is now little more than a muddy ditch.这条古运河现在仅仅是一条烂泥沟。It was in large part a clay-like swamp.那儿大部分是烂泥状沼泽地。The black mud fettered her movements.在黑色的烂泥中她举步维艰。We were covered from head to foot in mud.我们从头到脚都沾满了烂泥It was impossible to move the car – its wheels had got stuck in the mud.这车子动不了了 — 车轮陷到烂泥里了。The frogs burrow under the mud.青蛙在烂泥中掘洞藏身。Soil became a sea of mud, miring the horses to their hocks.土地变成了一片泥海,烂泥一直漫到了马后腿的跗关节上。Your shoes are really muddy - take them off before you come in.你的鞋子沾满了烂泥,把它们脱了再进来。Several cars got bogged down in the mud.有几辆汽车陷进了烂泥里。Television images showed people desperately clawing through mud to reach friends and loved ones under the mass of earth.电视画面显示,人们拼命在烂泥中向前挖,去营救被埋在大堆泥土下的朋友和亲人。We seemed to spend the last mile of the walk knee-deep in sludge.最后的一英里路我们似乎完全走在没膝的烂泥中。He claims Pasolini overtook and tackled him, pushing him into the dirt.他声称帕索利尼追上去打他,把他推倒在烂泥里。In places, the towpath is slippery with mud.曳船道有些地方满是烂泥,很滑。Don't bring those muddy boots inside!别把那双粘满烂泥的靴子拿进来!He was lying face down in the mud.他脸朝下趴在烂泥中。Ankle deep in mud, we squelched across the meadow.我们踩着齐踝深的烂泥,嘎吱嘎吱地走过草地。If we skirt around the field we can avoid the mud.如果我们绕过田野就不会踩上烂泥She hitched up her long dress so it wouldn't drag in the mud.她拉起长裙以免拖在烂泥里。Slum areas are awash with mud and sewage.贫民区到处都是烂泥和污水。The rear wheels of the vehicle slithered about in the mud.车子的后轮在烂泥里打滑。The car was stuck fast in the mud.汽车牢牢地陷在烂泥里。We were stalled in the mud.我们陷到了烂泥里。She's got dirt all over her nice new shoes.她漂亮的新鞋上满是烂泥




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