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词汇 火柴
例句 He struck a match against the sole of his boot.他对着自己的靴子底儿擦了根火柴Excuse me, but I rather think you've liberated my matches.对不起,我想你好像拿走了我的火柴The old man struck a match and lit his pipe.老人划了一根火柴,点上烟斗。Who was the lunatic who gave the baby matches to play with?是哪个白痴把火柴拿给婴儿玩的? Matches flared, momentarily highlighting the faces.火柴着了,发出的光把众人的面孔照亮了片刻。He took out a match and struck a fire in the grate.他拿出一根火柴,在炉栅里生了火。Use a match to light the gas fire.划根火柴点燃煤气取暖器。The paper kindled on the second match.划了第二根火柴,纸就点著了。He touched the match to the fuse.他用火柴去点引信。He struck a match and cupped his hand around the flame.他划了根火柴,窝起手遮住火焰。Be careful with those matches, or the whole place will go up in flames!用那火柴要小心,不然这整个地方会被大火烧毁的!Use a pointed object such as a broken matchstick.用一个带尖头的东西,比如折断的火柴棍。She lit the candlewick with a match.她用火柴点燃蜡烛芯。He lit a cigarette and tossed away the match.他点燃一支烟,然后扔掉了火柴I've told you time and time again not to play with matches - it's dangerous.我一次又一次地告诉过你不要玩火柴—那是很危险的。The energy is released by combustion on the application of a match.火柴点燃后在燃烧过程中释放能量。I impatiently tumbled into my sack a conglomeration of books, clothes, matches, maps and insecticides.我急匆匆把书籍、衣服、火柴、地图、杀虫药等等一大堆东西统统扔进了麻袋。Who used the last match?谁用了最后一根火柴It would take just one match for this whole place to go up in smoke.只要一根火柴就能把这整个地方烧得精光。It's important to teach your children not to play with guns/fire/matches.要教育你的孩子不要玩枪/玩火/玩火柴,这很重要。There was a brief flare as the match was lit.火柴划着时闪起一道亮光。He struck a match, shading it with his hand.他划亮一根火柴,用手挡着。Can I trade my tobacco for your matches?我用烟草换你的火柴行吗? He held a match while she lit up.他手里举着一根火柴,让她点烟。Our men waited until the gunners lit their matches in the cannon-ports.我们的人等到火砲瞄准手在砲眼点燃了火柴才行动。He scratched a match on the wall.他嚓的一声在墙上划亮一根火柴There was a hole in the pipe, no bigger than the head of a matchstick.管子上有个火柴头大小的洞。The match flamed for a few seconds then went out.火柴燃烧了几秒钟,然后熄灭了。He struck a match, and held it at arm's length.他划了根火柴,伸直胳膊举着。Robina struck a match and held it to the crumpled newspaper in the grate.罗比娜划着一根火柴去点壁炉里揉皱的报纸。He lit a match so they could see in the cave.他点了根火柴,这样他们就能在山洞里看得见。A match flares in the darkness.一根火柴在黑暗中突然点燃。Cut the peppers into pieces the size of matchsticks.把辣椒切成火柴棍儿大小的细丝。He performs sleight of hand with cards and books of matches.他用纸牌和几板火柴展示自己的快速手法。You stupid boy! I've told you not to play with matches!你这笨孩子!我叫你不要玩火柴的!The matches won't strike if they're damp.火柴受潮就划不着了。The match scratched and glowed.火柴嚓地一声燃着了。He struck a match and lit his cigarette.他擦根火柴点燃香烟。I didn't have any matches, but a stranger gave me a light. 我没有火柴,但一个陌生人给我借了个火。The dry wood blazed up at the touch of a match.干木头用火柴一点就烧着了。




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