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词汇 激烈地
例句 I could hear a furious argument going on in the next room.我能听到隔壁房间有人在激烈地争吵。The crowd continued to argue heatedly about the best way to tackle the problem.这群人继续激烈地争论解决问题的最佳办法。He argues very strongly that none of us has the right to sit in judgement.激烈地争论说,我们中任何一个人都无权进行审判。Her vehement protest was all an act.激烈地抗议,其实全是做做样子。Both women vehemently deny the charges against them.两名女子都言辞激烈地否认了对她们的指控。It condemned in extremely strong language what it called Britain's iniquitous campaign.它言辞激烈地谴责了这场它所谓的英国极不公正的竞选活动。Although most polls indicated that Hillary had a better performance, but many people thought that she and Trump just had a slugfest, and neither one could claim to have won.虽然多数的民调显示希拉蕊赢得了辩论,但许多人认为俩人只是激烈地互殴,谁也称不了是赢家。They often disagree bitterly on how their country should be run.他们常激烈地争论应如何治理国家。A furious argument was taking place outside the pub.酒馆外面有人在激烈地争吵。The crowd continued to argue heatedly about the best way to tackle the problem.人群继续激烈地争论着解决这一问题的最佳方案。The argument still rages on.辩论仍在激烈地进行着。He argues very strongly that none of us has the right to sit in judgment.激烈地争辩说,我们中任何一个人都无权进行审判。After the war, rival politicians began to jockey for power.战后,敌对的政客们开始激烈地争夺权力。His advisers have argued heatedly over whether to support them.他的顾问们已经就是否支持他们激烈地争吵起来。McCain gave Obama a barracking over his foreign policy.麦凯恩言辞激烈地抨击了奥巴马的外交政策。The sparks flew when he arrived late for her special dinner.他参加她的特别晚宴时迟到了,两人为此激烈地争吵。The leading contenders are still slogging it out.处于领先位置的竞争者仍在激烈地角逐。A debate is raging about what form pensions should take.对于应该采用何种养老金形式,一场辩论正在激烈地进行。The effectiveness of this treatment is still hotly disputed.人们仍在激烈地争论这种疗法的有效性。The debates are renewed with great intensity.辩论又继续激烈地进行下去。




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