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词汇 black and white
例句 On television, I like colour for some things and black and white for others.在电视上,有的节目我喜欢看彩色的,有的节目我喜欢看黑白的。She sees everything in black and white.她把一切事情都看得很绝对。In Jamaica black and white people have lived together in racial harmony for many years.在牙买加,黑人和白人多年来一直和谐共处。Someone had coloured in all the black and white pictures.有人给所有的黑白照片都上了色。She saw things in black and white.她总是用简单绝对的眼光看待事物。Everything is black and white to Bill; if you're not his friend, you are his enemy.在比尔看来,一切都是绝对的,你不是他的朋友,便是他的敌人。I want to see it in black and white.我想看到书面的东西。The entrance-hall was paved with black and white marble tiles.玄关处的大厅铺着黑白相间的大理石地砖。Once it's down in black and white, you can't forget it.一旦白纸黑字写下来,你就不会忘记了。The butterfly is black and white with a blue stripe running down each wing.这蝴蝶黑白相间,每只翅膀纵贯着一道蓝色条纹。You should put this down in black and white.你应当把这一点用白纸黑字记下来。There is an alternation of black and white stripes in that cloth.那匹布黑白条纹相间。There was no sale for black and white TV sets.黑白电视机没有销路。This dolphin is noted for its distinctive black and white markings.这种海豚以其独特的黑白斑纹著称。His golfing footwear is an ambivalent black and white.他的高尔夫球鞋颜色黑白不分明。The wallpaper comes in black and white only.这种墙纸只有黑白的。We've got her confession right here in black and white.我们这里有她的书面招供材料。A black and white print may jar with these colours.黑白印花配这些颜色可能会不协调。He thought too much in terms of black and white, of either/or.他思想过于绝对化,不是这样便一定是那样。There isn't much call for black and white televisions these days.如今黑白电视机的需求量不大。Maybe you don't want to read about Doug's death in black and white.也许你不想看关于道格死亡的书面材料。The zebra is a wild African horse with black and white stripes.斑马是一种身体上有黑白条纹的非洲野马。Although there is no overt hostility, black and white students do not mix much.虽然黑人学生与白人学生之间没有公开的敌意,但他们也不怎么来往。I couldn't believe it was true, but there it was, in black and white.我不相信那是真的,但情况就是这样,白纸黑字写得清清楚楚。My son sees life in black and white. To him, the world is full of greedy capitalists and underpaid workers.我儿子看待生活很绝对。在他看来,世界全是贪婪的资本家和薪水微薄的工人。For the first time since abolition, black and white women made steps toward interracial cooperation.奴隶制废除后,黑人和白人妇女首次尝试种族间合作。There it is in black and white.就在那里,白纸黑字写着的。Most photographers who work in black and white process their own film.大多数从事黑白摄影的摄影师都自己冲洗胶片。The economic disparity between the area's black and white citizens is a serious problem.该地区黑人与白人居民之间的经济差距是个严重的问题。The facade of the building was checkerboarded with black and white tiles.建筑物的正面用黑白花砖砌成棋盘格图样。Never juggle black and white.千万不要混淆黑白。The courts ought to treat black and white defendants in exactly the same way.法庭应当对黑人和白人被告一视同仁。The entrance-hall was paved with black and white marble tiles.入口大厅铺着黑白相间的大理石地砖。The church has an ornate black and white marbled interior.教堂内部拥有华丽的黑白大理石花纹装饰。The pictures were in black and white.这些照片是黑白的。She was wearing a black and white spotted dress.她穿着一件黑白点的连衣裙。A black and white police car cruised past.一辆黑白相间的警车以中速驶过。There's still a tendency to see the issues in black and white.对这些问题的考虑仍然倾向绝对化。At the edge of the city, black and white areas border each other.在城市的边缘地带,黑人区和白人区相互毗连。I want this agreement in black and white as soon as possible.我要尽快得到这份书面协议。




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