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词汇 激情
例句 She revelled in big MGM musicals with their colour and verve.她酷爱米高梅电影公司制作的色彩绚丽、激情四溢的大型歌舞片。His weird behaviour had cooled her passion.他奇怪的举动使得她的激情冷却。The thrill is gone from our marriage.我们的婚姻没了激情The song is a fiery mix of twanging guitar with relentless drumming.那是一首夹杂着撩拨的吉他声和密集的鼓点的激情四射的歌曲。He delivered his speech with passion and conviction.他的演说充满了激情和力量。They consummated their passion only after many hesitations and delays.他们几经踌躇和拖延后才尽情宣泄了激情He transmitted his keen enjoyment of singing to the audience.他把自己对演唱的激情投入传递给了观众。He was drawn to the metropolitan glamour and excitement of Paris.他为巴黎的大都会魅力与激情所吸引。William raced up the stairs, full of energy and excitement.威廉快步跑上楼梯,浑身散发着活力和激情She was admired for her spirit and passion.人们佩服她的决心和激情A writer should have passion.作家应该有激情His punishing schedule seemed to dim his fire at times.有时,繁重的日程安排似乎冷却了他的激情He spoke with evangelistic zeal.激情高昂地发表了讲话。There is a common prejudice in this country that Italians display their passions more readily than the English.这一国家的人普遍持有一种偏见,说意大利人比英格兰人更爱表达激情Passion kept us together.激情使我们在一起。The Italians are said to be the most passionate people in Europe.据说意大利人是欧洲最富激情的民族。All Dan's senses were afire.丹浑身上下都洋溢着激情The book is both a history and a passionate polemic for tolerance.这本书既是一段历史,也是一篇主张宽容的激情论辩。The crowd irrupted in a fervour of patriotism.集会群众迸发出一股爱国主义激情As time went by the passion cooled.随着时间的推移,激情冷却了。The fire in her speech inspired everyone.她演讲中饱含的激情鼓舞了每一个人。When the people speak with such passion, politicians should take note.当有人带着这样的激情说话时,政治家们就应该注意了。A great surge of emotion swept through him.一股强烈的激情传遍了他的全身。Eventually passion was distilled into the natural beauty of a balmy night.最后激情融入了美丽宜人的夜色中。I admire her fire for teaching and helping children.我钦佩她对教育和帮助孩子们的激情For nearly an hour, he burst forth about Columbus.有差不多一个小时他都在激情洋溢地谈论哥伦布。Their elemental passion led to tragedy.他们的强烈激情酿成了悲剧。The novel seems to lack bite and tension, even passion.这部小说似乎缺乏感染力,也没有紧张的情节,甚至缺少激情Now a passion began to embrace Andrew.这时安德鲁全身涌起一股激情Both teams played good full-blooded football.两队踢出了激情四溢的精彩足球。His words were full of fire and passion.他的话语中激情洋溢。It seems his ardour had cooled.他的激情似乎冷下来了。It is the passions which provide the main impulse of music.激情是音乐创作的主要动力。Her cleverness seems to get in the way of her emotions.她好像聪明有余,激情不足。She brought passionate intensity to the role.她给角色注入了强烈的激情His childhood interest in the game had ignited a flame of passion for football.他童年时对足球的兴趣点燃了他对这项运动的激情The passion and violence unleashed by Quebec nationalism continued to grow.魁北克民族主义引发的激情和狂热持续高涨。She is a quiet woman but her passion shines through in her music.她是一个安静的女人,但是她的激情在音乐中体现了出来。There is a real hunger and passion for football in China.在中国对足球有种真正的渴望和激情She didn't believe in grand passion or love at first sight.她不相信如火的激情或一见钟情。




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