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词汇 激动不已
例句 I was quite excited at the prospect.想到这种前景,我激动不已The breathtaking potentialities of mechanization set the minds of manufacturers and merchants on fire.机械化的惊人潜力使制造厂和商人们激动不已Everyone at home is thrilled about Jean's baby.家里的每个人都为琼的小孩感到激动不已Everybody still jumps up and down about being rid of tyrants.大家都还在为摆脱了暴君的统治而激动不已The show was over and he was revved up.戏完了,他激动不已She is very excited about winning the first prize.赢得首奖,她激动不已He got all worked up over the football game.他为那场橄榄球比赛激动不已Their arrival was dramatic and exciting.他们的到来令人激动不已,难以忘怀。News of the discovery has electrified scientists worldwide.有关这一发现的消息使全世界的科学家都激动不已To see him perform on stage just blew my mind.看见他在舞台上表演就令我激动不已He gave an electrifying performance.他的演出令人激动不已Her throbbing gratitude was only beginning to express itself.激动不已的感恩还只是刚开始表露。The story would make any news editor froth at the mouth with excitement.这个报道会使任何新闻编辑激动不已She is excited by the prospect of returning to school.想到要重返学校,她激动不已She tingled with excitement.激动不已Even jaded New Yorkers were thrilled by his performance.甚至连迟钝的纽约人也为他的表演而激动不已The whole city seemed to pulsate with excitement.似乎整个城市都激动不已It's a sight that never fails to thrill me.这是一幅总能令我激动不已的景象。When I heard that song for the first time it just blew me away.第一次听到那首歌时我激动不已Lawrence is one of those writers who either excite you enormously or leave you cold.劳伦斯是那种要么让人激动不已,要么让人觉得索然无味的作家。The movie bristles with excitement. 这部电影使人激动不已The girl didn't know what to do with herself as the wedding drew near.婚礼临近了,这姑娘激动不已I was in a fever of excitement.激动不已I'm very excited about the possibility of playing for England.想到可能会为英格兰队效力,我激动不已A sense of excitement pervaded the room. 房间里每个人都激动不已When I showed my customer the final result he was thrilled.当我将最终结果给顾客看时,他激动不已




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