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词汇 漫画
例句 Gibbons had a free hand in the design of the comic.漫画设计方面吉本斯可以自由决定如何设计。He is a master of caricature.他是一位漫画大师。He is often caricatured in local papers.在当地报纸上他常常是漫画的对象。Politicians are used to having caricatures of themselves printed in newspapers.政治家对报纸上刊出讽刺自己的漫画已习以为常。The Spanish Steps were crowded with the sellers of grotesque caricatures.西班牙阶梯上挤满了出售荒诞漫画的人。I can see the comic thought bubble forming over your head.我看得到你头顶冒出漫画思想泡泡。Art Spiegelman's "Maus" is a very well-known graphic novel.阿特‧斯皮格尔曼的《茅斯》是一本非常有名的长篇剧情漫画We had our caricatures drawn by a street artist while we were on vacation in Turkey.我们在土耳其度假时请了一位街头画家给我们画人物漫画An artist was doing caricatures in the park.当时一位画家正在公园里画人物漫画She made a living from sketching caricatures of political leaders.她靠画有关政界领袖的漫画为生。The cartoon showed a picture of a robber carrying a bag with "swag" written on it.这幅漫画画的是一个强盗背着一个上面写着“赃物”的袋子。His face has often been caricatured in the newspapers.他的脸常在报上给画成漫画He was caricatured as a turnip.漫画里他被画成了一棵大头菜。I'm surprised they printed that cartoon/story in the paper.他们竟然在报纸上刊登了那个漫画/故事,这让我很吃惊。We'll need to ask the New Yorker for permission to reproduce the cartoon.我们得征求《纽约客》同意转载这幅漫画This is one of the most vivid cartoons I have ever seen.这是我所见到的最生动的漫画之一。In a culture that too often lacks perspective, these cartoons give Americans the chance to laugh at themselves.在一种通常缺乏思想深度的文化中,这些漫画给了美国人一个自我解嘲的机会。Charles Schulz's 'Peanuts' is the gold standard for comic strips.查尔斯・舒尔茨的《花生漫画》是连环漫画的黄金标准。The politician was lampooned in cartoons.那名政客在漫画中受到嘲讽。The cartoon shows a group of elephants trying to get into a phone-box.这幅漫画表现了一群大象想挤入一个公共电话亭的场面。Charles Schulz created the characters "Snoopy" and "Charlie Brown".查尔斯‧舒尔茨创作了漫画人物史努比和查理‧布朗。I thought this cartoon from yesterday's paper might amuse you.我觉得昨天报纸上这幅漫画也许会使你发笑。The poster showed a caricature of Hitler with a devil's horns and tail.海报漫画中的希特勒长着魔鬼的犄角和尾巴。The Spanish Steps were crowded with the sellers of grotesque caricatures.西班牙风格的阶梯上挤满了出售怪诞漫画的商贩。Caricatures are usually done for amusement or satire.漫画通常用来取乐或讽刺。Drawing a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed is considered blasphemous by the Muslims.画先知穆罕默德的漫画对回教徒来说是亵渎神明的。The cartoons appear on page 10.漫画刊登在第十页。They collect old comics and pin-up calendars.他们收集老漫画和挂历。




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