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词汇 漠不关心
例句 They seem to be indifferent to the problems of poor people.他们似乎对穷人的问题漠不关心He often treats me with indifference.他对我常常漠不关心The government is still being accused of being inattentive to the plight of the Health Service.政府仍被指责对国民医疗保健制度的困难处境漠不关心The government is unresponsive to their needs.政府对他们的需求漠不关心She was completely non-political.她对政治漠不关心To all his problems she affected indifference.对他所有的问题,她都装作漠不关心的样子。Their neglect of his welfare chagrined him.他们对他的福利漠不关心使他感到苦恼。What do you think of a man who neglects his wife?你对一个漠不关心自己妻子的人有何看法?Most staff were indifferent about the plans.大多数员工对这些计划漠不关心The single lifestyle does not necessarily mean disengagement from family life.这种单身生活方式并不一定意味着对家庭生活漠不关心Half the time you go around with your eyes shut.大部分时间里我们对周围发生的事漠不关心She was distinctly cool about their plans.她对他们的计划漠不关心Clark's mother is nonchalant about her role in her son's latest work.克拉克的母亲对自己在儿子最新作品中的角色漠不关心I was surprised by her lack of concern.她的漠不关心令我很感意外。I was surprised by Carol's blasé attitude.我对卡罗尔漠不关心的态度感到惊讶。My parents do not feel apathy about the election.我父母对此次选举并非漠不关心They have an air of studied indifference to the problem.他们对这个问题故意摆出漠不关心的样子。He doesn't give a toss about our problems.他对我们的问题漠不关心He stood aloof from the daily operations of the office.他对办公室的日常业务漠不关心As she was growing up, her father was always distant and took little interest in her achievements.她从小父亲对她就很冷淡,对她的成就也漠不关心She accused me of being cold and uncaring towards her.她指责我对她冷淡和漠不关心Parents are completely apathetic about their children's education and show little interest in it.父母对子女的教育完全漠不关心,一点兴趣也没有。They were loftily indifferent to the world outside.他们对外界漠不关心Denis tried to look nonchalant and uninterested.丹尼斯竭力表现出漠不关心、不感兴趣的样子。His lack of concern blew my mind.他那样漠不关心,使我大惑不解。I was deeply angered by their lack of concern.他们的漠不关心令我异常愤怒。She seemed to be dead to the situation developing around her.她似乎对于身边事态的发展漠不关心He was totally unresponsive to the pressing social and economic needs of the majority of the population.他对大多数人迫切的社会和经济需求漠不关心Their indifference is only a pretense. 他们的漠不关心只是假象而已。Parents discussed the teacher's seeming lack of interest in the students.家长们就这位老师似乎对学生漠不关心的问题进行了讨论。Artie treated most women with indifference.阿蒂对大多数女人都漠不关心His attitude was one of bored indifference.他的态度既不耐烦又漠不关心His opponents have tried to characterize him as indifferent to the concerns of the working class.他的对手试图把他说成是一个对工人阶级的利益漠不关心的人。He neglects that poor dog - he never takes him for walks or gives him any attention.他对那只可怜的狗漠不关心——从不带它散步,也从不关心它。He dismissed advocates of a completely free market as economic troglodytes with no concern for the social consequences.他对那些完全自由市场的鼓吹者置之不理,认为他们对经济一无所知,对可能产生的社会后果也漠不关心Their indifference is merely pretense.他们的漠不关心只是假象而已。Environmentalists claimed governments were fiddling while Rome burned.环保主义者称政府漠不关心The real nub of the problem is public indifference.这个问题的真正要害是公众的漠不关心She showed no interest in her children.她对孩子漠不关心He showed a wanton disregard for his friend's feelings.他对朋友的感受表现得漠不关心




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