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词汇 uncommon
例句 Sir Peter is an uncommon man who has earned the respect of common people.彼得爵士是位赢得普通人尊敬的不凡人物。She read Cecelia's last letter with uncommon interest.她怀着极大的兴趣读完了塞塞莉娅的最后一封信。Violent crimes against the elderly are fortunately very uncommon.针对老年人的暴力犯罪幸而非常罕见。Both are blessed with uncommon ability to fix things.两个人修起东西来都很有两下子。It is not uncommon for students to have bank loans.学生有银行贷款如今已不足为奇。Frost and snow are not uncommon during these months.下霜和降雪在这些月份都很平常。It is not uncommon for people to become depressed after they retire.人们退休后感到沮丧,这很常见。Mugging, even in broad daylight, was not uncommon.即使是在光天化日之下,抢劫也屡见不鲜的。Accidents due to failure of safety equipment are uncommon nowadays.因安全装置失灵导致的事故如今很罕见。Doris is a very uncommon name nowadays.多丽丝这个名字现在很少见了。He is known for his modesty, an uncommon characteristic for a politician.他以谦逊著称,而这一品质在从政者身上并不多见。On Friday he showed neither decency nor dignity. It was an uncommon lapse.周五他表现得既不得体又有失身份。如此失态非常罕见。I came across an uncommon usage I'd like to discuss with you.我偶然发现了一个罕见的用法,想与你讨论一下。It is uncommon for small babies to sleep more than four hours without waking.小宝宝连睡四小时以上而不醒并不寻常。It is not uncommon to experience a decrease in confidence after a divorce.在离婚后信心减少是很常见的现象。When I was young it was uncommon to see a man pushing a baby buggy.我年轻的时候,很少见到有男人推着婴儿车。The feeling of loss you experienced after your divorce is not uncommon.离婚后体会到失落感并不少见。The editorial packed an uncommon kind of punch to reveal the hopeful elements in the grimmest situation.社论以非凡的雄辩揭示出最为严酷形势下尚具有希望的因素。It's not uncommon for people to become ill when they travel.人们在旅行途中患病的情况很常见。Snow is not uncommon during these months.这几个月中下雪并非罕见。She is an uncommon woman.她是位杰出的女性。It is not uncommon for the ancillary buds to abort on potted chrysanthemums.盆栽菊花的附属芽败育并不罕见。Hermaphroditism is not uncommon among plants. In the animal world, it is mostly found in fish species.植物中不乏雌雄同体的现象。在动物中以鱼类最多。Crimes against elderly people are still uncommon.针对老人的犯罪行为仍不常见。Ella had an uncommon knack of rubbing everyone up the wrong way.埃拉有一种不同寻常的本事,总会无意之间冒犯别人。Intermarriages were not uncommon.不同家族间的通婚并不少见。It's not at all uncommon for older men to kick up their heels and run off with younger women.老男人放纵自己和年轻姑娘私奔并不罕见。It's not uncommon nowadays for women to earn more than their husbands.如今妻子挣得比丈夫多已是屡见不鲜了。It is not uncommon for young lovers to cohabit nowadays.年轻的恋人同居在当今已是非常普遍的事情。Surprisingly, it is not uncommon for planes to be struck by lightning during flight.出人意料的是,飞机在飞行中被闪电击中的事常常发生。In hostage-taking situations, it is not uncommon for Stockholm syndrome to develop.在被劫持的环境中,发生斯德哥尔摩综合症并不罕见。These were uncommon occurrences.这类事件并不常见。Such technologies were still uncommon in the US.这些技术在美国仍然不同寻常。Cancer of the breast in young women is uncommon.乳腺癌在年轻女子当中并不常见。A woman eating alone is not an uncommon sight.一个女子独自进餐并不少见。




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