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The toast was dripping with butter.黄油从烤面包片上滴下来。Water dripped from a leak in the ceiling.水从天花板裂缝中滴下来。Sweat is dripping from his forehead.汗从他额前滴下来。Put a bucket over there to catch the drips as they fall.把一只水桶放到那边去接滴下来的水。A pool of water has accumulated on the ground from the boy's dripping clothes.男孩身上湿淋淋的衣服滴下来的水已在地上积成一摊。There was a pool of water in the corner where water was dripping from a leaky pipe.角落里有一摊水,是水管漏了滴下来的。Sweat dribbled down his face.汗水从他的脸上滴下来。Water dripped off the table and soaked into the carpet.水从桌上滴下来,渗到地毯里去了。Orange juice dribbled down Harold's chin.橘子汁从哈罗德的下巴上滴下来。Water was dripping from the walls of the tunnel.水正从隧道的内壁上滴下来。Water dribbled from the cracks in the roof.水从屋顶的裂缝渗滴下来。There was water dripping from a hole in the ceiling.水从天花板的窟窿中滴下来。His face was dripping with sweat. 汗水从他的脸上滴下来。The cold liquid trickled down her face.冰凉的液体顺着她的脸颊滴下来。A pipe was leaking, so we put a bucket underneath to catch the drips.一条管道漏水,我们就在下面放了一个水桶接滴下来的水。Blood trickled down to gild his smile.鲜血滴下来染红了他的笑容。Water fell from the ceiling in a steady/slow drip.水从天花板不停地/慢慢地滴下来。I put some plastic buckets on the floor to catch the drips.我把几个塑料桶放在地板上接滴下来的水。His hand was dripping blood.血从他手上滴下来。The juice dribbled down his chin.汁水顺着他的下巴滴下来。The umbrella is riddled with holes and the rain's dripping down.雨伞上满是洞,雨水正滴下来。 |