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I waited for the coffee to percolate for a few minutes.我等咖啡滤煮了几分钟。She percolated the coffee and put croissants in the oven to warm.她滤煮好咖啡,然后把羊角面包放进烤箱加热。Coffee is being perked and will be ready in two minutes.咖啡正在滤煮,过两分钟就好。They ate freshly baked bread while the coffee percolated gently.他们吃着新鲜烘焙的面包,与此同时咖啡正在慢慢滤煮着。Can you smell the coffee perking in the kitchen?你能闻到正在厨房里滤煮的咖啡味吗? Coffee was percolating on the stove.炉上滤煮着咖啡。 |