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词汇 满脸
例句 Her face was grim as she told them the bad news.满脸愁容地把这个坏消息告诉了他们。He expressed the rueful hope that his future might brighten up.满脸愁容地表示,希望自己将来能有起色。Her face lit up with pleasure.满脸喜气。Sarah looked up at me suspiciously.萨拉抬起头满脸疑惑地打量着我。I have never seen him looking iller. 我从未见过他这样满脸病容。Hungry-looking men in cheap suits hung around the streets all day.衣着粗劣,满脸饿相的男人整天在街道上游荡。He made a rueful face.满脸悔恨。His face was covered in red blotches, seemingly a nasty case of acne.满脸红斑,像是起了很严重的粉刺。At the far end of the market, a wrinkled old woman sat smoking a pipe.在市场的另一头,一位满脸皱纹的老太太坐在那儿抽烟斗。Her mouth dropped open in disbelief.她张着嘴,满脸怀疑。I saw her stricken face looking up at us.我看见她满脸痛苦地抬头看着我们。They had worried looks on their faces.他们满脸愁容。His face is covered with insect bites.满脸是虫咬的痕迹。Her expression is concerned but her body-language does not correspond.满脸关切之情,但她的肢体语言并非如此。My son's face was covered in cuts and bruises.我儿子满脸都是伤口和擦痕。He looked crestfallen at their decision.听了他们的决定他满脸沮丧。I looked in the mirror and saw that my face was covered in blood.我照了照镜子,看见自己满脸是血。His face was covered in dirt.满脸是灰。His face was covered in blood.满脸是血。She had a worn-out look.满脸疲倦的样子。His face was wreathed in smiles.满脸堆着笑。He hung his head when the teacher discovered that he had stolen the money.当老师发现他偷了钱时,他满脸羞愧。A big smile broke across his face.满脸绽出笑容。She had such a worried look on her face!满脸愁容!Her expression is concerned but her body language does not correspond.满脸关切之情,但是肢体语言却并非如此。He suffered from moodiness. When he was happy he was very, very happy, but when he was gloomy he was morose.他情绪多变,高兴时就高兴得不得了,沮丧时就满脸阴郁。His lined face was that of an old man.满脸皱纹,俨然一副老人的样子。His face was alight with anger.满脸愠怒的神色。A look of bemusement spread across their faces.他们满脸疑惑。His face was covered with pimples.满脸都是丘疹。She looked at him with a surprised expression on her face.满脸惊诧地看着他。Dan came in looking very apologetic.丹走了进来,满脸歉意。When Joey opened the package and saw that it wasn't a fire engine, the disappointment was written all over his face.乔伊打开包裹看到里面不是一辆消防车时,满脸失望。My father always said I had an unhealthy obsession for spotty pop bands.我父亲总说我对满脸粉刺的年轻人乐队过分迷恋。Their faces were bloodied and bruised.他们满脸是血和瘀伤。Her face looked old and wrinkled in the morning light.晨光下,她看上去很苍老,满脸皱纹。People crowded around the notice board with anxious faces.人们满脸焦虑地围在告示牌周围。His face was running with sweat.满脸是汗。His face was wet with tears.满脸泪水。The Sergeant-Major, his face as red as a turkey-cock, was abusing the squad.那个满脸涨得通红的军士长正在怒气冲冲地责骂全班士兵。




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