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A thick, turbid smokescreen is now billowing from the city's perimeter.浓重的烟幕正从城市边缘滚滚而来。A great tidal wave of men came rolling onward.人流潮涌般滚滚而来。Pungent diesel fumes poured from the back of the truck.刺鼻的柴油烟味从卡车后面滚滚而来。Don't forget, I have always kept the money rolling in.不要忘记,我总是有大量钱财滚滚而来。A fog bank was rolling in.一个雾堤正滚滚而来。Sponsorship dollars are rolling in as never before.赞助收入从来没有像现在这样滚滚而来。A heavy fog rolled in from the coast.一片浓雾从海岸滚滚而来。With the dark clouds moving in, rain seems more like a probability than a possibility.乌云滚滚而来,似乎极有可能会下雨。Money started rolling in and the business grew and grew.钱开始滚滚而来,生意越做越大。So what is really happening as the information bandwagon starts to roll?当信息大潮滚滚而来的时候究竟发生了些什么呢? |