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词汇 溜冰场
例句 An ice rink needs to be completely flat.溜冰场地必须十分平坦。There were several ice-skaters at the rink.溜冰场上有几个滑冰的人。West Lake, an outdoor ice-skating rink, attracts skaters during the day and night.无论白天还是晚上,西湖这个户外溜冰场都吸引着许多溜冰的人。The school has built a new sports complex, complete with a skating rink.学校新建了综合体育场馆,里面有一个溜冰场Skaters were knocking into each other all over the ice.溜冰场上溜冰的人相互碰来碰去。The rink is packed with spectators sipping hot chocolate in an effort to defrost.溜冰场挤满了啜着巧克力热饮取暖的观众。Couples skated around the rink.溜冰场里人们在成双成对地溜冰。The other skaters were ordered off the rink.其他滑冰者被勒令离开溜冰场Freezing temperatures have transformed the lake into a skating rink.零下几度的气温把湖面变成了溜冰场Our figure skating club has exclusive use of the rink on Mondays.我们的花样滑冰俱乐部每星期一包场使用溜冰场There's a skating rink uptown.市郊有一个溜冰场




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