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词汇 游行
例句 The whole town owes a debt of gratitude to the people who organized the parade.全镇居民都对游行庆典的组织者心存感激。Spectators stood on rooftops to watch the parade.观众站在屋顶上观看游行The whole town came out for the parade.全镇人都出来游行了。The whole village turned out to watch the parade.全村的人都出来观看游行The women on the march were extremely militant.游行的妇女极为激进。They had never taken to the streets before.他们以前从未上街游行过。Town officials are hoping that some civic-minded person will volunteer to organize the parade.镇上的官员希望有关心公益的人自告奋勇来组织这次游行The area around the palace had been cleared for the parade.宫殿周围为游行清理了道路。We watched the parade from our perch on top of the roof.我们待在高高的屋顶上观看游行The public believes its only recourse is to take to the streets.公众认为唯一可以求助的办法就是上街游行The sight of all the brave men and women parading gave me immense pride.看到那些勇敢的男人和女人游行,我感到极为自豪。Banners were paraded from church to church on feast days.宗教节日期间,人们打着横幅在教堂间游行The whole town was at the parade.全镇的人都在游行The demonstrators marched down the main street of the city.示威群众沿该市主要大街游行Entire villages come to see the parade.全体村民都来看游行Paper and popcorn littered the streets after the parade.游行结束后街上到处是纸屑和爆米花。There have been demonstrations and other signs of discontent.游行,还有其他的一些不满的征兆。Main Street has been blocked off for the parade.因为游行,主街已被封锁。Because of the weather, the parade was a total disaster.由于天气不好,游行活动彻底搞砸了。We took a boat trip upstream to the waterfall.我们划船朝瀑布的上游行进。They are planning to revive the old Saint's Day parades through town.他们打算恢复圣徒节在镇上游行的古老传统。There will be marching bands and plenty of flag-waving.届时将会彩旗飘扬并伴有军乐游行There were demonstrations in the streets today, under the watchful eye of police.今天,在警方的监视下大街上进行了游行Thousands of people were at the parade.数以千计的人参加了游行The parade starts out at the intersection of First and Main.游行从第一大街和主街的交叉口开始。I went on lots of demos as a student.我在学生时代参加过很多次游行Crowds marched through the streets carrying burning effigies of the president.示威群众挑着燃烧的总统画像沿街游行The municipal authorities gave the go-ahead for the march.市政当局批准了这次游行We should use the demonstration as an opportunity to draw more supporters in.我们应该以游行为契机使更多的支持者加入进来。Curious shoppers lifted up their children to take a closer look at the parade.好奇的购物者把自己的孩子举起来,好让他们更清楚地看到游行的队伍。Women were demonstrating for equal rights.妇女游行,要求平等权利。I'd avoid the city centre – there's some kind of procession on.我要避开市中心,那里在举行什么游行There were dozens of police officers standing/keeping guard along the parade route.数十名警官沿着游行线路进行警戒。I got some good pictures of the procession.我拍了一些挺不错的游行照片。A parade through the streets marks the climax of the festival.街上的游行是这次节庆的高潮。The parade starts at the intersection of First and Main.游行从第一大街和主街的交叉口开始。The programme of events also includes a parade and poetry recitations.活动方案还包括游行和诗歌朗诵。When the war was over, there was a parade in London.战争结束后,人们在伦敦举行了一场游行Police said permission for the march had not been granted.警方表示尚未批准这次游行When the war was over, there was a tumultuous parade in London.战争结束时,伦敦举行了喧闹的游行




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