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例句 His decision has been a topic of hot debate.他的决定已经变成了热议话题。Now they have silvered into grand old men.现在他们已变成满头银发的老人了。The decision turned the startled author into a media event.那个决定把受惊的作家变成了新闻焦点人物。The once-thriving port of Rye was left high and dry as sea levels retreated.一度繁荣的拉伊港由于海面下降变成了旱港。When water freezes, it becomes solid.水结冰时变成固体。The sea would turn pale pink and the sky blood red.大海会变成浅粉色,天空则变成血红色。The low rumble had become a roar.低沉的隆隆声变成了咆哮声。The twister turned this city into a shambles.卷风将这个城市变成了一片废墟。The flat became a den of savage debauchery.这套公寓变成了野蛮粗俗的放荡之所。He became a ruthless killer.变成了一个无情的杀手。The Kirks' marriage had become a prison.柯克夫妇的婚姻已经变成了一个牢笼。Within the Canon, the wafer and wine becomes the body and blood of Jesus Christ.在祭献经文里,薄饼和红葡萄酒变成耶稣基督的身体和血液。His voice dropped to a hoarse whisper.他的声音一下子变成了沙哑的低语。The fabric belled in where the wind struck it.布料有的地方因为风吹而变成喇叭状的了。The euro moved from the realms of theory into reality.欧元由理论变成了现实。They went from being angry punk rockers to bland conformists.他们从愤怒的朋克摇滚歌手变成了随波逐流的平庸歌手。It was a boyhood dream come true.少年时的梦想变成了现实。The brick has weathered to a lovely pinky-brown.砖块经过风吹日晒,变成了漂亮的淡棕色。Mandela became, as it were, the father of the nation.曼德拉可以说变成了国父。The once-green fields were now uniformly brown.曾经的绿地现在变成一片褐色。The party is betting that the presidential race will turn into a battle for younger voters.该党期待这次总统竞选变成一场争取年轻一代选民的斗争。Suddenly the path seemed to melt and the trees burst into globes of flame.小路似乎突然消失了,树木也都变成一片火海。Beat the egg whites until they are stiff enough to form firm peaks.不停地搅拌蛋清直至其变成硬尖状。David's crying subsided to a whimper.大卫的哭声慢慢变成了呜咽。Consuming this amount of food could turn these fit players into fatties.这些体格健壮的运动员吃这么多会变成胖子的。Going to a private school had made her a snob.上了私立学校后,她变成了一个势利的人。Her marriage became a prison to her.她的婚姻变成了她的樊笼。The road petered out into a rutted track.这条路渐渐变成一条满是车辙印的小径。The bank realized that the dispute was becoming a serious liability in doing business这家银行意识到这场纠纷正变成妨碍银行业务的严重不利因素。These ideas became the new orthodoxy.这些想法变成了新的正统观念。Her busy hands had transformed the tiny room into a work of art.她用勤劳的双手把小屋变成了一件艺术品。Jesus Christ was said to have performed miracles like turning water into wine.据说耶稣基督展示了奇迹,例如把水变成葡萄酒。The witch metamorphosed people into animals.那巫婆将人变成了动物。Stephen put his arms around her and his voice became a soft, husky whisper.斯蒂芬抱住她,说话声变成了温柔低沉的耳语。The stadium was a madhouse when the team won the championship.当球队赢得冠军杯时,体育场变成了狂欢之地。The bricks had mellowed to a soft red.砖的颜色变成温馨柔和的红色。Because you're not burning calories, everything you eat turns to fat.因为你没有消耗热量,吃进去的东西都变成了脂肪组织。The two became deadly enemies.他们俩变成了死敌。He changes into a maniac when he gets behind the steering wheel.他一坐到方向盘后面就变成一个疯子。Since when has it been against the rules to have a coffee break?从什么时候开始工间喝咖啡休息变成违反规定了?




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