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词汇 confidentiality
例句 All replies will be treated with complete confidentiality.所有的答复将被视为绝密。They have a duty of confidentiality.他们有保密的责任。Attorneys are ethically and legally bound to absolute confidentiality.律师受职业道德和法律的约束,要绝对保密。It is important to maintain strict confidentiality at all times.重要的是,任何时候都要严格保密。Its members are bound by a rigid code of ethics which includes confidentiality.它的成员受到包括保密在内的一套严格的伦理规范的约束。All medical records are treated with complete confidentiality. 所有病例都要绝对保密。He breached confidentiality by releasing information on weapons tests.他发布武器试验的信息,泄露了机密。The contract contains a confidentiality clause.合同含有保密条款。Researchers should always be able to guarantee complete confidentiality for their subjects.研究人员一定要能够保证研究对象的资料得到绝对保密。It's a breach of confidentiality for a priest to reveal what someone has said in the confessional.神父把一个人告解时说的事情泄露出来是违反保密原则的。Patient confidentiality prevents me from discussing any specific medical case.病人隐私的保密原则不允许我讨论任何特定病例。They urged lawmakers to include confidentiality provisions in any new system.他们敦促立法者将保密规定纳入所有新推行的制度中。She had violated her legal duty of confidentiality.她违反了保密的法律义务。Such actions constitute a breach of confidentiality.这样的行为构成泄密。All keys used for confidentiality services should be escrowed.所有用于保密服务的钥匙都应由第三方保管。To maintain patient confidentiality, the forms were anonymous.为了给患者保密,这些表格不具名填写。The relationship between attorney and client is based on confidentiality.律师和委托人之间的关系是建立在保密的基础之上的。We discussed the question of confidentiality.我们讨论了保密性的问题。The health clinic has again been caught violating patient confidentiality.这家诊所再一次被发现违反了为病人保密的协定。The doctor committed a breach of confidentiality. 这名医生违反了保密规定,将患者的个人信息透露给了他人。Data encryption ensures the privacy and confidentiality of email messages.资料加密可以确保电子邮件内容的私密性。A confidentiality clause was added to the contract.合同中加上了一条保密条款。He leaned over to Melissa with an air of confidentiality.他向梅利莎凑过身去,显出很机密的样子。Employees are bound by rules of confidentiality.雇员必须遵守保密原则。The newspapers have agreed to waive confidentiality.报纸同意取消保密。




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