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词汇 confidence
例句 We have perfect confidence in your ability to do the job.我们完全相信你有能力做这工作。Many people consider her decision to be a breach of trust/confidence.很多人都认为她的决定不守信用/违背保密原则。His calm confidence steadied the nervous passengers.他的镇定自若使紧张不安的旅客们冷静下来。Teaching abroad was good for me. It gave me a lot of confidence.在国外教书对我有好处,给了我许多信心。The ten-year deal is a vote of confidence in coal-fired power stations.这份为期十年的协议是对煤电站支持的表示。Studying has increased my confidence and I am much more self-aware.学习增强了我的信心,让我更了解自己。He'll grow in confidence once he starts at playgroup.他上了幼儿游戏班自信心就会增强。We can look ahead to the next match with confidence.我们可以信心十足地期待下一场比赛。The Cabinet must enjoy the confidence of Parliament.内阁必须得到议会的信任。I know he will never abuse my confidence.我知道他绝不会滥用我的信任。He wore on his face a look of confidence.他脸上带着自信的神色。He held himself with an easy confidence.他显得洒脱自信。The team is brimful of confidence after their win last week.上个星期获胜以后,这支球队充满了信心。The government survived an opposition vote of no confidence in parliament.政府挺过了反对党在议会发动的不信任投票。Improved consumer confidence is crucial to an economic recovery.消费者信心的提升对经济的复苏至关重要。He lost confidence in himself and retreated/withdrew into his shell.他对自己失去了信心,变得沉默寡言。Are we to place confidence in a man who cannot remember a phone call he made last week?我们能信任一个连上周打过电话都记不得的人吗?If children were made to feel inferior to other children their confidence declined.如果让孩子感觉他们不如其他孩子,他们的信心就会减弱。Her self-confidence will develop alongside her technique.随着她的技术不断提高,她会愈发自信。The first thing that struck me about Alex was his amazing self-confidence.关于亚历克斯,我首先想到的是他惊人的自信。The reforms announced by the health minister aim to win back confidence in a system shaken by a major scandal.卫生部长宣布的改革措施旨在挽回人们对于一个因重大丑闻而发生动摇的体制的信心。Bribery corrodes the confidence that must exist between buyer and seller.贿赂会损害买卖双方必不可少的信任关系。We have confidence in his payback ability.我们相信他有偿付能力。Despite the athlete's lack of confidence, the odds are clearly in her favour.尽管这名运动员缺乏信心,但很明显她有可能获胜。It took me a long time to get my confidence back.我很长时间以后才重拾自信。If you stand up straight you'll give an impression of self-confidence even if you're quaking in your boots.要是你站得笔挺,就算实际上怕得要命,你都会给人留下非常自信的印象。Since she got the new job, she's been brimming with confidence.自从找到新工作,她便充满了自信。Nothing fazes her self-confidence.什么也不会影响她的自信心。She thought she might take Leo into her confidence.她以为也许可以把利奥当作知己。She possesses a self-confidence that borders on arrogance.她的自信接近于自大。He gained voters' confidence by running an honest, straightforward campaign.他因进行诚实坦率的竞选而取得选民的信任。The unexpected praise he received gave him a jolt of confidence.意想不到的赞美令他信心倍增。Timid children need gentle handling to build up their confidence.对待胆怯的孩子要用温和的方法来树立他们的自信心。Security institutions have to have the confidence of all communities.安全机构必须得到所有社区的信任。While girls lack confidence, boys often overestimate their abilities.女孩子缺乏信心,而男孩子常高估自己的能力。We need a big win to boost our confidence.我们需要大胜一场来增强信心。Self-confidence is the lifeblood of democracy.自信是民主的生命力所在。He recommended the child with confidence to her care.他放心地把孩子托付给她。I have every confidence in you.我完全相信你。Serious illness often results in a loss of confidence and self-respect.重病缠身常常会导致丧失信心和自尊。




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