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词汇 混淆
例句 Don't confound the means with the ends.不要把手段和目的混淆起来。The true history has been obscured by legends about what happened.各种传说混淆了历史的真相。Well, I think it's important not to confound disaffection with the institutions of democracy with enthusiasm for a dictatorship.这个,我觉得重要的是,不要混淆对民主体制的不满和对独裁统治的热衷。They ribbed him for confusing the two words.他们嘲笑他把这两个字混淆了。Don't mix up this pair of synonyms.别把这一对同义词混淆起来。Don't jumble the innocent and the guilty.不要混淆无辜的人和有罪的人。Words that obscure the truth must be discarded.必须屏弃混淆真相的词语。People might well confuse the two products.人们很容易把这两种产品混淆起来。You are confusing things, let us distinguish.你在混淆事情,让我们把它们分分清吧。In order to avoid confusion, the boxes are all labelled.为了避免混淆,所有盒子都被贴了标签。The media has blurred the demarcations between news and entertainment.媒体混淆了新闻与娱乐之间的界线。They are very hard to tell apart, so the confusion is understandable.很难把他们区分开来,所以混淆是可以理解的。It's easy to muddle up some Spanish and Italian words.很容易将一些西班牙语词汇和意大利语词汇混淆She was criticized for using arguments that obfuscated the main issue.她被批评故意使用混淆主要问题的论点。This report was published in good faith but we regret any confusion that may have been caused.这篇报道是出于好意发表的,但我们对可能造成的混淆表示遗憾。Ospreys are the best fish catchers, but they are often mistaken for the bald eagles.鱼鹰是最会抓鱼的鸟,但常与秃鹰混淆She was wrongly diagnosed with cancer after a lab mix-up.她因检验结果搞混淆而被误诊为患有癌症。Label the pipes you will be working on to avoid confusion later on.把要处理的管子贴上标签,免得以后弄混淆了。They have deliberately confused the general public with their claims.他们故意用自己的要求混淆大众的视线。The military has accused the clergy of mixing religion and politics.军方指控神职人员将宗教和政治混淆起来。They blur the line between gamesmanship and cheating.他们把克敌制胜绝招与作弊混淆起来。The monograph is conceptually confused, unclear in its structure and weak in its methodology.这篇专论概念混淆,结构不清,研究方法也经不起推敲。Rumour, myth and hearsay obscure the truth after months of bloodshed.在流血事件发生后的几个月里,谣言、谎话和传闻混淆了事实真相。The lawyer is trying to sabotage the case by creating confusion.律师试图通过制造混淆,阻挠此案审理。We are beginning to muddle the extended royal family and the monarchy.我们开始混淆皇室大家庭和君主制这两个概念了。This argument should not be allowed to confuse the issue.不要让这个论点混淆这一问题。




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