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词汇 混合液
例句 You'll need to stir the mixture constantly to keep it from lumping.你需要不停地搅拌混合液,以免结块。Cook the mixture until the liquid has boiled away. 混合液煮至水分全部蒸发。The mixture is heated and then agitated.混合液加热后搅动一下。The mixture can be used as a gargle several times a day.每天可用这种混合液漱几次口。Keep the temperature low enough so the mixture will not boil.将温度保持在混合液无法沸腾的低点。Boil the mixture, stirring frequently.混合液煮沸,同时不停地搅动。Be careful that the mixture doesn't get too thin.注意不要让混合液太稀。The mixture should be cooked at a slow boil. 混合液应慢慢烹煮。The mixture should have the consistency of thick cream.混合液应该像稠奶油那样黏。




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