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Men were talking in whispers in every office.每间办公室里人们都在窃窃私语。Every room in that house was elaborately decorated.那房子的每间屋都精心装潢过。The only heating was from a temperamental iron stove in the centre of each hut.唯一的取暖设备就是在每间小茅屋中央的那个时好时坏的铁炉。Every large petroleum company has its own refineries.每间大型的石油公司都有自己的炼油厂。Every room of the hotel offers a comfortable, relaxed ambience.这家旅馆的每间客房都给人一种舒适轻松的氛围。Each office opens onto the corridor.每间办公室的门都对著走廊。There are four bedrooms, each with its own shower and WC.有四间卧室,每间都有淋浴器和抽水马桶。 |