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词汇 混入
例句 A small group of neo-Nazis have infiltrated the ranks. We must weed them out as soon as possible.队伍中混入了一小撮新纳粹分子,我们必须尽快将其清除。Mix in the remaining ingredients.混入其余的原料。The language developed further through the admixture of words of Greek and Latin origin.这种语言通过混入源自希腊语和拉丁语的词汇而进一步发展。She managed to get into the camp by disguising herself as a soldier.她装扮成一名士兵,设法混入了营地。He tried to crash the party but they wouldn't let him in.他试图混入派对,但他们没让他进去。He blended in with the crowd at the art sale.混入了艺术品拍卖会的人群中。He tricked his way into a job as a hospital doctor and killed a patient through lack of care.混入医院当上医生,结果因疏忽职守致使一名病人丧生。Mixing sand into the paint will add texture. 把沙子混入涂料会增加质感。His main job is handling crashers.他主要的工作就是对付不买票混入场的人。He posed as a doctor to gain access to the hospital.他冒充医生,混入了医院。




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