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词汇 深色
例句 The dark pigmentation gives protection from the sun's rays.深色色素保护皮肤免受阳光伤害。He was perfectly dressed in a dark suit and tie.他穿着深色西装,系着深色领带,十分得体。What kind of exposure should I use for a dark subject on a light background?我该采用哪种曝光模式来拍摄浅色背景下的深色物体?The apartment had been furnished in rich, deep colors and gorgeous fabrics.这套公寓以富丽的深色和精美的布料布置。A dark carpet won't mark as easily as a light one.深色地毯不像浅色地毯那么容易留下痕迹。White, cream, and pastels suit me better than dark colours.白色、米色等柔和的色彩比深色更适合我。The heavy dark table is inlaid with lighter wood.笨重的深色桌子上嵌有颜色较浅的木头。Dark colours suit you best.深色最适合你。His blue eyes were masked by dark glasses.他的蓝眼睛被深色眼镜遮住了。The animal's dark fur enables it to blend into its surroundings.这种动物的深色皮毛使它能够和周边环境融为一体。He wore a leather jacket and dark trousers.他身穿皮夹克和深色裤子。His dark socks, I could see, had a stripe on them.我能看出他的深色袜子上有道条纹。Resin is a dark, sticky substance.树脂是一种深色黏性的物质。The costume consisted of a dark flannel shirt, a wide leather belt, buck-skin breeches, and leather boots.戏装包括一件深色绒布衬衫,一条宽皮带,一条鹿皮马裤,和一双皮靴。He checked his mirror and saw that a dark coloured van was immediately behind him.他看了一下后视镜,发现一辆深色货车紧随其后。I predict that someone tall, dark, and handsome is going to come into your life.我预测有个身材高大、深色皮肤并且长相英俊的人会走进你的生活。Leonardo appeared, immaculate as ever in a dark suit and tie.利奥纳多出现了,他身穿深色套装系领带,和往常一样显得十分整洁。The blood is infiltrated into the disorganized tissues and dark blotches appear on the skin.血液渗入已遭破坏的组织,皮肤上出现深色斑点。He wore a dark blazer and gray flannels.他穿着深色运动上衣和灰色法兰绒裤子。The police are looking for a tall white male with dark hair.警方正在寻找一位深色头发的高个子白人男子。She's wearing a dark suit to the interview.她穿深色套装去面试。Very dark glossy lips look wrong with heavily made-up eyes.涂有深色唇彩的嘴唇看上去和浓艳的眼妆不相称。The brothers have the same broad forehead and wide-set dark eyes.兄弟俩都长着宽额头和分得较开的深色眼睛。They were both darkly dressed in business suits. 他们两个都穿着深色公务西装。He wore a dark suit with a necktie in a contrasting color.他身穿深色西服,戴一条颜色鲜艳的领带。He's a sucker for women with dark hair.他对深色头发的女人非常着迷。Her mother wore one of her dark summer prints.她妈妈穿着一件深色印花夏装。I personally prefer dark-haired men.我个人比较喜欢深色头发的男子。He was habited in a black frock and dark trousers.他身穿黑色外衣和深色裤子。He has a dark suit, which he only wears on special occasions.他穿了一套深色西服,这西服他只有在特别的日子才会穿。In industrial areas, the dark-coloured variety of the moth now predominates.在工业区,深色型蛾子现在占绝大多数。The city centre streets are paved with dark local stone.市中心街道用当地的深色石块铺砌而成。He is well built, with short dark hair.他体格健壮,留着深色短发。If you're going to have such dark walls I really think you should have a pale carpet.如果你想把墙壁刷成这样的深色,我真的认为你的地毯应该铺浅色的。The dining room had dark paneling.餐厅用深色嵌板装饰。Use a light colour which will show up on a dark background.使用浅颜色,这样在深色背景上会比较显眼。In his dark suit, he looked like the archetypal businessman.他穿上那套深色西装,看上去像个典型的实业家。The bedroom had dark paneled walls and large windows.卧室有深色镶板的墙和大窗户。




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