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词汇 深吸
例句 Take a few deep, slow breaths.慢慢地深吸几口气。He took a long draw on/from his cigarette.深吸了一口烟。Fran took a slow deep breath, then let rip, yelling and shouting at him.弗兰慢慢地深吸了一口气,然后破口大骂,冲他又喊又叫。Ruth took a deep breath, summoned up her courage, and told him the truth.露丝深深吸了一口气,鼓起勇气,把真相告诉了他。He took a deep pull of his cigarette and exhaled the smoke.深吸了一口烟,然后轻轻吐了出来。Tamar took a deep breath to steady her nerves.塔玛深深吸了一口气让自己平静下来。He took a long slow breath, inhaling deeply.他缓慢地深吸了一口气。When it was his turn to dive, he gulped and stepped up onto the diving board.轮到他跳水时,他深吸了一口气后走上跳板。Joan breathed in deeply, trying to stem her tears.深吸了一口气,想忍住不让泪水流下来。Stella lit up a cigarette and inhaled deeply.斯特拉点起一支烟,深深吸了一口。I took/drew a long breath before speaking again.再次开口讲话之前,我深吸了一口气。He unclenched his jaw and took deep breaths.他张大嘴巴,深吸了几口气。She took a deep breath of the dank night air.深吸了一口夜晚的阴冷空气。He took a deep breath and plunged into his speech.深吸了一口气,开始热情洋溢地讲了起来。I took a deep breath of the fresh sea air.深吸了一口海边的新鲜空气。She took a deep unsteady breath.她紧张地深吸了一口气。Sarah took a deep breath, trying to control her anger.萨拉深深吸了一口气,试图控制住自己的愤怒情绪。She drew a deep breath before responding.她在回答之前深吸了一口气。Amanda took a deep breath, as if the mere act of speaking had wasted her.阿曼达深吸了一口气,仿佛仅仅开口说话就已经让她筋疲力尽了。She drew in a breath, reined in her temper.深吸了一口气,控制住自己的脾气。She took a deep whiff of his aftershave.深吸了一口气,闻他须后水的味道。He took a deep breath to try to calm his jangled nerves.深吸了一口气,力图平静一下自己烦躁的心绪。She fidgeted in her chair as she took a deep, tremulous breath.她在椅子上坐立不安,轻颤着深吸了一口气。Spike pulled deeply on the cigarette and then blew a warm cloud into the air.斯派克深吸了一口烟,接着向空气中吐出一团暖热的烟气。He lit his cigarette and inhaled deeply.他点燃香烟,深深吸了一口。They sucked in deep lungfuls of air.他们深吸了几口气。The old man placed his pipe back in his mouth and sucked deeply.老头重新把烟斗放进嘴里,深深吸了一口。I bobbed to the surface and gasped a lungful of air.我浮上水面,深吸了一口气。He pulled deeply at his cigarette.深吸了一口香烟。He took a deep breath, and began to climb the stairs.深吸了一口气,然后开始爬楼梯。




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