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词汇 Earth
例句 Mars and Earth have orbits which change with time.火星与地球的运行轨道随着时间而变化。The spacecraft scans the Earth's oceans with radar instruments.航天器用雷达设备扫描地球上的大洋。The drag of those extra air molecules brought the satellite crashing to Earth.那些额外的空气分子产生的阻力使卫星撞向地球。If the Earth warms, the world's climate will change and sea levels will rise.如果地球变暖,那么世界气候将会发生变化,海平面会升高。Earthquakes are caused by movements deep below the Earth's surface.地震是由地表深处的运动引起的。The Earth turns on its axis.地球绕着地轴自转。People saw it plunge towards Earth with a deafening roar.人们看见它伴着一声震耳欲聋的巨响撞向地面。Greenhouse gases are widely believed to be causing the Earth's atmosphere to heat up.人们普遍认为温室气体导致地球大气层温度升高。The high oxygen content of Earth's atmosphere makes life here possible.地球大气中的高氧气含量使生命得以存在。An unmanned Chinese spacecraft has returned safely to Earth.中国一架无人驾驶航天器已安全返回地面。The period of revolution of the Earth around the Sun is equal to one year.地球绕太阳公转的周期等于一年。Venus, the Sun and Earth all moved into line.金星、太阳和地球都到了一条直线上。Satellites receive signals in space and send them back to Earth.卫星在太空接收信号并发送回地球。Most asteroids burn up upon entering the Earth's atmosphere.大多数小行星在进入地球大气层时就燃烧殆尽了。The book explores a doomsday scenario in which an asteroid hits the Earth.本书探究了小行星撞击地球时世界末日的设想。On this mission the Shuttle will orbit (the Earth) at a height of several hundred miles.此次任务中,这架航天飞机将在距地面数百英里的高空绕(地球)轨道运行。The similarities between Mars and Earth were enough to keep alive hopes of some form of Martian life.火星与地球有很多相似之处,这足以让人们始终相信火星上存在某种生命。Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars are called "rocky planets".水星、金星、地球和火星被称为“岩石行星”。Earth tremors were being felt at regular intervals yesterday.昨天每隔一定时间便感受到地震。Most meteorites do not make it through Earth's upper atmosphere.大部分陨石都未能进入地球大气层的外圈。The Earth turns on its axis.地球绕着地轴旋转。The Earth revolves on its axis.地球绕着地轴旋转。The Earth's core is very different from its crust.地心与地壳完全不同。Meteoroids burn up as they pass through Earth's atmosphere.流星体穿过地球大气层时会烧毁。The moon follows an elliptical path around the Earth.月球围绕地球沿椭圆形轨道运行。The rocket disintegrated when it re-entered the Earth's atmosphere.火箭重新进入地球大气时碎裂解体。This view of Earth represents a sea change in our perceptions of our planet.这种地球观代表了我们对自己星球认识的巨变。The moon revolves around the Earth.月亮绕着地球转。It takes a year for the Earth to make one circuit around the sun.地球绕太阳公转一圈需要一年。I've been working as a volunteer for Friends of the Earth.我一直在地球之友组织做志愿者。In the movie aliens invade Earth.该影片中,外星人入侵了地球。The Earth spins on its axis.地球绕地轴旋转。Astronomers are very excited about a comet that will pass close to Earth later this month.本月晚些时候将有一颗星在地球附近掠过,天文学家非常兴奋。What is the distance between the Earth and the Sun?地球和太阳之间的距离有多远?The equator divides the Earth into two hemispheres.赤道把地球分成两个半球。Climate change could have disastrous effects on Earth.气候变化会给地球带来灾难性的影响。The sensors pick up faint vibrations in the Earth.这些探测器可探测到地球内部微弱的振动。Local residents saw it plunge towards Earth with a deafening roar.当地的居民看见它伴着一声震耳欲聋的巨响撞向地面。The rocket plunged toward the Earth.火箭坠向地球。In his latest film, super-intelligent aliens invade Earth and try to take over.在他的这部最新影片中,超智慧的外星人入侵地球并企图占领地球。




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